I went back and read alot of YA re: cycling a new tank, but I'd still like specific, clear (explain it to me like I'm two years old! LOL ) on what to do. I set up my new 10gal freshwater tank 7 days ago.. filter gravel etc. I treated the water and 1 day later added 1 zebra danio. I tested the water and everythng looks good. 5 days later I tested the water and added a 2nd zebra danio, its been 4 days and all looks well. Question, today is day #8, do I change my water now, and if i do and only change 10-20% of the water is it ok to "roughly" measure the water dechlorinater, because the first treatment was for a 10 gal tank, and i dont have a measure to only measure out for say, 1 gal. ( hope that made sense)......... and when I test the water, the results are all good, which kinda worries me, shouldnt it be a little off and work towards being good??
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