For 5yrs plus,my relationship with my indifferent husband never improve but only got worsen.Thot d same as otrs,marriage wil turn out ok especially wen blessed wif our lil one who is 4 tis year.Instead of ironing out the issues,trying to find root causes of our differences,he choose to paint pictures to family n frens.I was in tramendous pain n hurt to c him behave meek n weak not daring nor wanting to confront our issues.Tried numerous times talking 2 him,but end up getting no where as he sees no fault of his but stating his own tune.He uses soft approach n that even freaks me even more!!Everything is routine.He works 9-6pm.Lots of time at home to save money.A miser n do not understand to gain more in Gods word,u'l have to give n share wif d others.Slp by 11pm.Laze n not help me wif hswrk,both slp in seperate rm n not'v intimacy let alone sex for 4yrs.Takes baby gal outings on weekends,play an hour n thats enuf as a father besides d provider in monotery?Nw plays Angel suddenly!!!
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Marriage & Divorce