I've read rants, only for the 25 and up crowd or the legally married, but alas, I still answer. What do you think? Obviously, I can't answer questions I don't have insight into, like many of the divorce or child related questions, but some of them eh, I think I'm quite good at.
Does marriage here on Yahoo! Answers include the traditional sense of simple cohabitation with real commitment or no? We're definitely NOT dating or on some sort of silly fling. We are going to do the party and ritualistic event, but it's really just symbolic. To us, commitment is entirely personal and something that we need to work towards and those who attend our wedding? Well, it's mostly just our older relatives that have religious ties to the whole thing and find some sort of altristic happiness from it, but we grew up in the 'screw what you think' generation and I just don't get it!
17 answers
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Marriage & Divorce