My husband and I have been married for 17 years, we were married very young, we have 3 children. Now that our children are getting bigger we have more time to spend with each other and my husband keeps doing things to make me not trust him and whatever I do does not help make things better. He has done alot of things to make me not trust him lying, looking at bad websites on the internet, sneaking, having secrect friendships, gawking at other woman, even he and a colleage joined an aerobics class. He totally dismissing my feelings calling me jealous and crazy but when I did it back to him ( I was at my wits end) He goes totally crazy saying this is not helping our marriage. But, then he continues to mistreat me, he is either rude to me when we are with other people or totally ignores me, if I strike up a conversation with someone of the opposite sex, he goes nuts! Help me please!
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Marriage & Divorce