I live in a mobile home park where everyone lives near everyone. We have had more pit bulls than any other kind of dog around here lately. I myself, am NOT afraid of pits, and nor would I ever own one. But I have 2 kids and a little mixed puppy to fear for. My youngest boy is scared of any other dog besides ours, big or little, and he will run. I know dogs love a good chase. I know it all depends on the owner, and how the dog is raised. This I COMPLETELY understand. Any dog can turn at any given moment. I really don't care how nice a pit is, I refuse to let my kids near them, as long as I'm not around. Now that's become impossible. I have a big pitbull that just moved in next door...
My question is, should I be scared of all these pit bulls so nearby? Should I raise hell over all of them to the landlord? Is it wrong for me to be "breedist" against pits? How does everyone else feel about pit bulls?
Thanks for your input on this matter.
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