Where i live is a trashy Neighborhood (we would leave, but we were hear years before them with ACRAGE!)
And no one has fences except me! and when ever i walk my dobe, a mean dog will come up to us and my dog tears a chuck out of him and the owners and me get into a fight bc their stupid unrestrained white trash dog comes up to ME ( i always win), and tries to attack me, and then my RESTARINED dobe with a choke chian, and LEASH, attacks it to protect me, and the dog gets tore up really bad, but its not like i go around to make my dog attack all these dogs bc im not. And im not going to stop walking my dog bc they cant control their dog, but what i wanted to know what what could i do to keep them away from us.
any ideas? becuase he is a sweet dobe, and hes only protecting me. when other nonviolent dogs come up to us like little ones, he plays with them, but since the ones close by to me are abused neglected, unsocialized& mean, and my Dog can tell when theres danger and reacts.
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