Today, I been slammed by multiple email to the whole project team abt late coming, watching video, chatting, sleeping, napping, accessing internet, looking at photo together.....Argh~Are these as misunderstanding and using as a weapon to attack ppl working with them? I don't agree with some of the thing they said. Cos this project really sucked alot cos it's a tedious and time consuming project that is unable to any money to the company and reputation dropped cos of it. And everyone in the team knows abt it, most ppl felt cheated cos they are not told abt it. I feel that the co. is not sympathy enough cos I saw some of them worked late and I think they need a break by napping or maybe these ppl are ill.These ppl have sacrifice alot of there time for the company with no rewards except for the salary and the 13th mth bonus.Life is not abt work, work and work. We can't do any work without building raport among outselves.We need to enjoy the work we are doing & not abt giving in as salves
2 answers
asked by
Huggy Love
Law & Ethics