I decided I don't want to burn in hell.
But everyone I talk to has,
-) The only God you can serve
-) The only Bible you can read
-) The only hell you can go to
It is stressing me out! What if I pick the wrong god, & still end up burning forever for making a mistake? What if I pick the wrong bible? What if I go to the wrong hell?
I am scared to live, not knowing which god, or which bible, or which hell to believe in, but I am scared to die, knowing I will have to burn in one of the hells for making a mistake probably.
I tried praying, but it doesn't work. I can't hear or see or feel a god.
How can I know for sure, who's god is the right god? How will I know if I pick the right one? Everyone claims their god is giving miracles, etc etc, but all it is doing is stressing me out.
Please help me find the right god, bible, and hell so that I won't be afraid to live or die. I am so afraid sometimes, I get short of breath thinking of burning forever. Help! Afraid to have heart attack!
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Religion & Spirituality