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All categories - 1 February 2007

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I have been with my boyfriend for only about 4 months, but I feel like I'm suffocating in the relationship. I love him as a friend and a companion, but when it comes to sex, my mind is a million miles away (if there's a solution to this problem, I would love to know it). I really can't tell him because he's sensitive and I would never want to hurt his feelings. The other day, I brought up the option of an open relationship because I really don't want to break up with him for many reasons. He agreed to it because for some reason he'll do anything just to be with me. Is this even a good idea, or would I be best advised to just call the whole thing off and hope we can still be friends?

2007-02-01 18:04:29 · 14 answers · asked by jesuswasshady 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I've been dating a wonderful guy for about 3 and a half years since I was about 19. He graduated a semester before I did so he has been at a job in another city and we have been long distance and doing pretty well at it. However, the past few months (and even a little bit before we were long distance), I stopped feeling as attracted to him and felt more like we were just best friends. I also need to figure out my career/ grad school path so we took a break about a month ago and he surprised me earlier this week by coming to my city and telling me how much he missed me. At first I was elated to be back together buy now that feeling is back that makes me feel like not kissing him and that we could use more time apart. Is it normal after 3 yrs to not feel like kissing your significant other? and also, since we have such a great connecction, even if it is as best friends, should i hang on to it? or take a longer break while i get settled in a career? ANY HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!

2007-02-01 18:04:26 · 7 answers · asked by AggieAM 3 in Singles & Dating

Please read the summary of the experience and comment. First impressions, interpretations, words of wisdom, etc are welcomed.
Please, only serious responses but if you have a wacky thought that is okay. But please don't mock my faith; that is not productive.

One day last week, I was on a spiritual prayer retreat. After a good day of seeking the Lord and finding Him, I went to bed and slept. After about 30 minutes I woke suddenly and completely. My right am felt "asleep" -- and so I looked down at it, and it was GONE, or, at least I couldn't see it. I looked at my left hand and could see it; and only from my elbow up could I see my right arm. So I called out to the Lord, "what is going on here, help me" and slowly the arm came back into view with pain rising.
And went back to sleep.
I live in an area where there are many people with missing limbs who beg. So the images of people missing limbs is strong for me.
I live in an area with much strong spirit activity.

2007-02-01 18:04:21 · 22 answers · asked by karen i 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-02-01 18:04:17 · 7 answers · asked by divinemadness 4 in Other - Health

2007-02-01 18:03:56 · 20 answers · asked by ME!! 2 in Television

does anyone no how to make chicken tikka marsal??

2007-02-01 18:03:49 · 5 answers · asked by staceydv4 4 in Ethnic Cuisine

Should it be a crime to go to other places and convert people? I mean how arrogant are these people to interfere with other people's beliefs?

2007-02-01 18:03:47 · 19 answers · asked by . 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-02-01 18:03:45 · 6 answers · asked by ankit a 1 in Cell Phones & Plans

visit http://horo4u.netfirms.com for details

2007-02-01 18:03:41 · 4 answers · asked by wort_love 1 in Horoscopes

What's the difference? I've always thought of a threesome as everyone touches everyone and pulling a train as two guys and a girl or vice versa but the guys/girls *which ever there are 2 of* never touch each other. What do you think?

This is an ongoing disagreement between a friend and I!

2007-02-01 18:03:38 · 11 answers · asked by Mommy of 2 2 in Singles & Dating

I filed with liberty tax. The irs website says by the 20th.

2007-02-01 18:03:25 · 1 answers · asked by daprincess232003 1 in United States

I make my chocolate cookies, but they never come out chewy. Instead they come out cek-lake. Wanna help me ?

2007-02-01 18:03:23 · 7 answers · asked by sayWHAATT(8 2 in Cooking & Recipes

Do you think it's a sin? Do you think people just can't make up their minds? Do you think they love everyone of any gender equally and therefore they are very balanced? Do you think people claim to be bisexual just for more attention? ...etc

2007-02-01 18:03:13 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

last time i was watching a show called 2057 and there was this robot called asimo.did anyone see asimo on the show 2057 too

2007-02-01 18:03:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Television

2007-02-01 18:02:59 · 14 answers · asked by BUSH SMOKING POT 1 in Politics

I'm married to a US soldier...we're doing incredibly well and we're ready to have a baby!...we've prepared ourselves physicly,mentally,financially..we thought making the baby would be the easy part! But how wrong we're we..it's been over seven months now with unprotected sex and nothing. I've searched and searched over the internet.I've article after article on conception.Generally couples at this age have no problem concieving in a window of six months...now that's we're past that I can't help but to worry...I know that things happen at the right time and there's a reason for everything...but I can't help but worry that maybe we possibly can't have children.Doctors generally don't even want to see you until you've past the one year mark and the worst part, being a military wife seeing all your friends get pregnate day after day. Although I know I'm not, I feel so alone in this issue. Is there anybody out there with anything to help?

2007-02-01 18:02:53 · 14 answers · asked by armywife 2 in Trying to Conceive

2007-02-01 18:02:50 · 10 answers · asked by joelinn1974 3 in Movies

2007-02-01 18:02:47 · 12 answers · asked by chetna d 1 in Words & Wordplay

Im 22 going on 23 in a few days.I took a test and it wasn't that accurate the results were inconclusive.I dont know how I could be I always use a condom..What are the msot significant signs of pregnancy? how much does a the drug to abort cost?I dont have any health insurance either..Im worried as can be ..any advice would help.

2007-02-01 18:02:33 · 8 answers · asked by *Hollyrox* 2 in Pregnancy

My father passed away and had a sudden death. He has one sister and she is saying that if I fight her for his home, my home at one time, she will win becuase she is the next of kin. He left me his insurance policies, which I had no idea of, she wants the house to make profit but I want the house to keep, I might sell mine and move in. I grew up in it. I spoke to a lawyer and he says that the only way I can win is if I have my Biological father and my mother give testimony saying that my Biological father warned my dad that if he tried to adopt me, he would put up a fight. Which is what really happened. If I can prove that, underCalifornia Probate law, that would win me the home. I have to give the lawyer 5,000.00 as a deposit. Has anyone been thru this? Any advice? Is it worth it or is it a hassle? I dont wany troble or more heartache

2007-02-01 18:02:26 · 1 answers · asked by Justme 2 in Law & Ethics

Anyone heard of it?

Those who have try.

is it good? How much you have done?

Thanks in advance.

2007-02-01 18:02:19 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

Hogans Heroes

2007-02-01 18:02:16 · 8 answers · asked by ? 3 in Movies

Hey guys have a question for you, it may seem a little weird, but please help. I borrowed a pen and forgot to return. When I got in my car, I noticed I had the pen. I then saw that one it was a splotch of dried blood, like a little clump or ball. I was going to throw it off an wash my hands, but the clump of blood fell on he cloth seat of my car. Tomorrow, I am having the interior shampooed, I already had the appointment, but now I am worried that when that blood becomes wet in the interior, it might active something in the blood, i.e. HIV and Hep C. I am worried that my car seats will then have HIV or Hep C. on them? Is this a realistic threat? Am I at any risk? Should I cancel my appt. tomorrow? Please help.

2007-02-01 18:02:15 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Infectious Diseases

what is the procedure to ban a website.

2007-02-01 18:02:10 · 10 answers · asked by vk 1 in Internet

2007-02-01 18:01:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

ok what is your gpa and how long do you spend studying a night

2007-02-01 18:01:47 · 3 answers · asked by punky89 5 in Polls & Surveys

2007-02-01 18:01:45 · 3 answers · asked by Sunshine 2 in Other - Taxes

fedest.com, questions and answers