I've noticed that some of you like to quote Pascal's wager (Pascal argued that it is a better "bet" to believe that God exists, because the expected value of believing that God exists is always greater than the expected value resulting from non-belief.).
Let me take that one step further. I buy your argument. Now my question becomes, which faith/God(s) should I choose to adhere to? Since I am hedging my bets let us look at it logically.
I will restrict myself to the main religions. I will discard Buddhism and Hinduism, since if I get it wrong with those guys I will be reincarnated so I can try again.
So, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Which to choose?
- Both islam and Judaism have strict rules about what you can eat. That is a 66% majority, so my bet is not on Christianity here.
- Christianity and Islam have Jesus/Mohammed. Since you disagree on who is what I should avoid the issue and go with Judaism and pray directly to god.
If you think Pascal was right: convert to Judaism.
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Religion & Spirituality