Do as the doctor has said and rest. It happened to me when I was pregnant and I had to have complete bed rest, that means complete - not getting up for any reason other than the loo.
It also happened to my daughter when she was 7 weeks, because she's young, she wouldn't be told not to worry and took herself to A & E, where they admitted her - on complete bed rest - and gave her an 'early detection' scan the next morning.
But like you said yourself, worrying isn't good for either of you so you have to do what will stop you from worrying, if that's going to the hospital then do it.
Good Luck x
2007-01-22 23:51:29
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I know that this must be a terrifying time for you right now. I know exactly what you are going through since I have had 5 miscarriages. I am almost positive to what is happening to you. I get this with every one of my pregnancies. I would bleed or should say I would have some brownish or pink in color blood when I would wipe or some in my underpants but then it would go away the next day and sometimes the same day. As long as your not bleeding heavily and there isn't any clots it sounds like your fine. It is most likely your uterus is just stretching and that is causing the cramping and the spotting. Your cramps are normal as long as they stay mild. I am 26 weeks along with my fifth so I know what your going through. You did the right thing by calling your Dr. so just take it easy and when you start getting crampy lay down in bed or on the couch and prop your feet up under some pillows and relax and your cramps will soon stop. Good luck with your ultra sound and don't get too panicked if they say they don't see anything but a yolk sack. I had one done when I was only 6 weeks and they asked me if I was sure I was pregnant because they didn't see anything. I told him yes I was sure so I had another one done 3 weeks later and I got a picture of a blop on paper. Good luck to you sweetie and don't worry your baby will be just fine.
2007-01-23 00:19:49
answer #2
answered by ws_422 4
Firstly what you need to do is not panic the baby can feel everything you feel... If you panic the baby will be uneasy. Bleeding is not a good sign but once again if it is not bright red there is no big chance that it is actually a miscarriage and just old blood excreting itself. I am now 12 weeks pregnant and also feel the cramps every now and again. These are most of the time called "growing pains" caused by your body changing and uterus expanding. Think positive and the best of luck. Rest well and I am sure both you and baby will be ok.
2007-01-22 23:52:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I bled at 5 weeks, I went for a scan and they saw a yolk sac but no fetal pole so I went back the week after and all was fine.
I have now at 14 weeks had 3 more bleeds one of which was really heavy and scarey, I have been checked every time and I had a scan after the heavier bleed.
I was told that some women suffer from bleeding all the way through their pregnancies so I think I am just one of the lucky ones.
You have done the right thing by asking for help.
2007-01-23 03:47:53
answer #4
answered by Mummy foggy 1
my sister in law had bleeding on and off from weeks 6-9 or her pregnancy she is now 6 months on and having a very healthy girl..
I on the other hand had bleeding at week 7-8 and severe cramping I couldn't move I was screaming in pain. I have a m/c.
I don't want to scare you ...
I think so far you really can't tell whats going on but alot of women get bleeding and are absolutely fine. type in a google search bleeding while pregnant there are alot of answers and reasons... for instance sex sometimes breaks a bit of the lining and it sheds causing a bit of bleeding but nothing to affect your baby. read up rest up and have a hot chocolate there is no point stressing. I know its easier said that done Ive been there twice..
good luck I wish you all the best
2007-01-23 00:47:32
answer #5
answered by mum 2 Cameron and Ewan 5
I have a 6 yr old and a 2 yr old..When I was pregnant for my first son, I did not have any bleeding at all..But, when I was pregnant with my second son, I had some bleeding at around my 6th week..I totally freaked out! I hurried to the ER and they really couldn't find anything wrong!!..They did all kinds of test and everyting came back normal..They said that it was probably just menstral bleeding and that in most prenancies this is normal..But the only way to be able to tell for sure is with your ultrasound..
Good Luck!!
2007-01-23 03:25:45
answer #6
answered by kristi417906 2
If you are really worried get yourself down to A&E. Thursday is a long way away when it comes to the life of your baby. Worrying will only make it worse for the baby. If your doctor wont do anything then go to A&E you have a right to be treated/seen by someone.
2007-01-22 23:51:56
answer #7
answered by OriginalBubble 6
im 18w3d and ive had bleeding at 5,6,8,9,11,14+18 weeks and my baby is fine. they dont know why im bleeding too as everything looks normal. the first few bleeds they put it down to implantation or the baby was bedding itself into womb and bleeding is normal with that. its possible to miss twins on an ultrasound cos one could be hiding behind the other. also the babies are extremely small at 6 weeks (i had a scan at 6 weeks) so you cant really see much
2016-05-24 00:25:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
sorry but all you can do just now is follow docs advice the best way to find out what is going on is a scan i do think your scan should of been brought forward.
if you have any pain in one side or pain in the shoulder please call doc back or go to hospital as it could mean ectopic.
my first pregnancy was ectopic and the first sign was slight bleeding,i also had to wait days for scan so i know it is not easy.
as long as the cramping is mild dont worry as cramping is normal.
hope everything is fine for you
2007-01-22 23:56:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I just came back from the hospital.
Im around 6-7-8-weeks pregnant and have some really heavy bleeding and pain.
Basically what they did was made me spread my legs, and they put a really big metal device inside my vagina, they were trying to see if my cervix was open or closed, then they did a ultrasound, i have to return tommorow for another. They still arent sure what the prob wa,s but just listen to your docs advice.
If if gets really bad then please go toyour local doc.
Good luck,
2007-01-23 00:03:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous