Okay, so about a month ago, one of my very close friends & I had a disagreement/misunderstanding. So we kinda stopped talking for a while, except a few sweet but short convos via msn. Now today, she started talking to me through msn, so I replied with hi how are ya. She's been saying stuff like not bad. She never asked how I was doing. So I asked about her xmas so far and what not? She says, not bad. And to whatever I've been saying it was very short words, or lol. So I asked if she was okay, and shes like yah, im on the phone with my bf, so I asked questions about them and stuff. I carried on, by asking what else new and whatever. She asked twice things that was like And you? But apart from that, I was carrying the whole conversation. What the heck? I just find it really weird that she talks, but doesnt have much to say? What kind of game is she trying to play? It's really getting me ticked off.
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Other - Family & Relationships