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All categories - 30 November 2006

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Mine is Charlie Brown Christmas, but they showed it so early this year - i don't even have my tree up yet!!

2006-11-30 03:11:59 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Hey what do you suggest I get my man.
He could use a new watch. He loves Dragon ball z, and has been asking for a x-box 360. But these things cost a lot of money. An x-box is approximatley 400 dollars.
I want to get him something to show him how much i love him.... help me out.
(ps. he is super serious, and it would have to be something reall sweet)

2006-11-30 03:11:51 · 7 answers · asked by amy-j 2 in Christmas

There are valid points for both issues. On one hand we don't want our individual rights lost, but sometimes if feels as if we are so focused on our own individual rights "what's in it for me" that we hurt others as a result.

How should we define where our own rights fit in with what is needed for the common good.

(just to give an example, so don't focus on whether this issue is right or wrong, because it's just to give an example of someplace you would choose a dividing line: I believe a child should have the right to pray in school).

I know that my rights end where your rights are infringed, but what does that mean.

2006-11-30 03:11:51 · 7 answers · asked by Searcher 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Please tell me roughly about how old you are, I'm curious how much of a difference it makes.

2006-11-30 03:11:45 · 18 answers · asked by jveretto0804 2 in Movies

I like them flared and would want them to be simple but stylish/classy and a moderate price. Any ideas on general stores that can be found in most states would be helpful. Also need ideas for stores where I can get cute, stylish clothing for work, going out etc for moderate prices

2006-11-30 03:11:41 · 6 answers · asked by lexi84 1 in Fashion & Accessories

I am agnostic I used to be an atheist, I have friends who are of VERY different religious backgrounds some are Pagan some atheist, Spirtiualists, and a few Christians... well, the only people who try to force me to believe in what they believe are the CHristians all the others are cool with my (lack of) beliefs
I just would really like to know why ya'll Christians try to push your beliefs onto us nonChristians... I'm just saying and besides telling someone their going to a hell they don't even believe in is kinda pointless... and like I've said I'm a pyro I can handle flames..

2006-11-30 03:11:39 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

My friend, well now former friend, and his woman had a dispute that turned ugly. His woman is a very nice lady, who's faithful and loves him. He's not that way toward's her though. They both got into an altercation, in which she was accusing him of never coming around until he wanted some, and that he's cheating on her. Well, what she said really got him fired up because, the next thing i know he hit her right in the face. The next day he called me trying to justify what he did, but i refused to agree with him. I responded, that she didn't deserve that, no matter how mad a woman makes you, you should never hit her. Now he's mad at me. Now he's even madder that his woman soon to be ex woman, doesn't talk to him, but talks to me being that me and her are friends. I had to end my friendship with him. It shocked me seeing him do that, and trying to justify it was just plain dumb. I'm not trying to judge him, but i just can't be down with a guy that would hit a woman.What do you all think?

2006-11-30 03:11:39 · 12 answers · asked by henryskia 2 in Friends

I went to the vet and she said I should feed my dog chicken and rice for now becuz of her illness but now she wont poop what should I do the vet isnt helping much. she just said wait it out, but I dont have time to walk her 10 times a day.

2006-11-30 03:11:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I think it's a horrible thought that someone would insist on themselves or their loved ones being burried with organs that could save someone else's life.

And I have heard people say that if they were an organ donor, they were afraid that a doctor wouldn't save their life because he or she would be thinking "Why save them when I could use their organs?" as if the doctor may have a friend that needs a liver and can tell by looking at you that yours will be a match.

I would hope that if I were to meat my untimely demise, that as much of me as possible could be used to save others, even if it means having nothing left of me but hair to have a funeral with, and I would have no problem with such a law.

What do you think?

2006-11-30 03:11:29 · 11 answers · asked by Chris D 4 in Law & Ethics

Hi all,
I'm a 30yr old asthmatic and I stopped smoking 2 weeks ago after smoking pretty much on and off for 16 years, which has to be a good thing!
However i feel like absolute crap! I knew that i would probably feel a bit off and start coughing up all sorts of rubbish but never did i think i would suffer this much!

A friend of mine stopped at the same time and she feels on top of the world!

Has anyone else suffered the same or have any advice for me???

2006-11-30 03:11:20 · 22 answers · asked by tanyarose 2 in Respiratory Diseases

I need help URGENT!!!!!!!!?
OK I really like this guy that I am pretty close friends with. We hang out all the time and he flirts with me a lot. He is super cute and nice. Sounds great right??? Its not he has a g/f and it is torturing me. I dont want to try to break them up and I dont want to stop being friends with him either. HOw can I stop liking him??? Is there anyway I can stop thinking of the possibilty that he still might like me even though he is with another girl??? I dont wanna be the "other girl" so I need to stop liking him. Please give me some advice!!!!
OK I have liked him for a long time but i didnt realize it until he got a g/f. I just want to stop being tortured :(
OK i mean i dont think he likes me or he wouldnt have asked another girl out right???
Also I have never had a b/f becuase i was not allowed to date in hs so i am so confused i have no experience with this before. please help!!!


2006-11-30 03:11:18 · 17 answers · asked by senoritadolche 1 in Singles & Dating

Do all Grad schools require it????? I am nervous as HELL any advice?

2006-11-30 03:11:12 · 3 answers · asked by Andre L 1 in Standards & Testing

2006-11-30 03:11:02 · 21 answers · asked by Not From The Lebanon 2 in Religion & Spirituality

My daughter has pink eye, and we are supposed to put an ointment in her eye 3 times a day.She now shuts her eyes so tight I can't pull her lids open to apply the ointment.Does anyone have any advise on what could make this process easier for the both of us.

2006-11-30 03:11:01 · 14 answers · asked by motherof2 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

Did man always know how to make tools and weapons from metal?

2006-11-30 03:10:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-11-30 03:10:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

Hello! I have a 4 month old Baby Boy who is in a weird spoiled stage. He cries like crazy if he is not picked up and carried. He is only calm if I have him in my arms. If I lay him down, or even sit down with him in my arms, he screams and won't stop crying. I don't want this to become a habit. What should I do? Just let him cry? Thanks!

2006-11-30 03:10:52 · 16 answers · asked by ejas14 1 in Newborn & Baby

2006-11-30 03:10:52 · 13 answers · asked by christine m 1 in Respiratory Diseases

What kind of chores would a farmhand or ranch hand be given if he doesn't have much experience or doesn't know as much as an expert framer or rancher ?

2006-11-30 03:10:45 · 2 answers · asked by I_hate_being_single 3 in Other - Society & Culture

Ok I have a tree with lights built on it already. One set of the lights went out. So of course I need to go buy one set of white lights.. How much is a box and where is the cheapest place to find them? Please help.. I have to send my husband out to do this lol.

2006-11-30 03:10:43 · 5 answers · asked by amber22davis 1 in Decorating & Remodeling

2006-11-30 03:10:39 · 20 answers · asked by http://hogshead.pokerknave.com/ 6 in Polls & Surveys

I've gone to yahoo and google maps but they show the maps from a few years ago. I want a map that is of today

2006-11-30 03:10:32 · 3 answers · asked by Octavio 1 in Internet

I need expert opinion from epidemiologist or occupational health expert who has expertise in evaluating scientists' reports/opinion. In my place nearly 1000 people were affected by mercury vapour and doctors who examined them confirmed there is mercury effect. The factory doctors took workers' past health records (these records are stupid) to medical researchers. They opined that there cannot be mercury health effect or there cannot be delayed mercury health problem or birth defects for children of mercury exposed women. I have these reports. I need help from various experts who can evaluate these reports and comment on this. thanks.

2006-11-30 03:10:27 · 3 answers · asked by kdkhg 1 in Infectious Diseases

I need to reprogram the remotes on my new Sonata but I can't find instructions. Can anyone help?

2006-11-30 03:10:27 · 3 answers · asked by trek_ready 1 in Hyundai


2006-11-30 03:10:23 · 11 answers · asked by shay_8925 1 in Celebrities

Thanks for doing the website, my wife and I enjoyed reading it. I was wondering if you could give me some help. We are the proud new owners of a nine week old mini-daschund named Walker. He is great but we are having a very hard time getting him housebroken. I have always had labs and with a lab, scolding and a spanking does the trick very quickley and they learn after only a couple of mistakes. I have found that this Techniques does not work with wlaker becuase he still does number 1 and 2 in the house, sometimes right after we have come in from outside. Do you have any tips on housebreaking him or any helpful websiotes or books that you an reccomend. He is such a sweet dog and he and pour nine months old lab have quickly become best friends. If only we could get him housebroken, he would be perfect.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

2006-11-30 03:10:19 · 6 answers · asked by Guerry N 1 in Dogs

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