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I need help URGENT!!!!!!!!?
OK I really like this guy that I am pretty close friends with. We hang out all the time and he flirts with me a lot. He is super cute and nice. Sounds great right??? Its not he has a g/f and it is torturing me. I dont want to try to break them up and I dont want to stop being friends with him either. HOw can I stop liking him??? Is there anyway I can stop thinking of the possibilty that he still might like me even though he is with another girl??? I dont wanna be the "other girl" so I need to stop liking him. Please give me some advice!!!!
OK I have liked him for a long time but i didnt realize it until he got a g/f. I just want to stop being tortured :(
OK i mean i dont think he likes me or he wouldnt have asked another girl out right???
Also I have never had a b/f becuase i was not allowed to date in hs so i am so confused i have no experience with this before. please help!!!


2006-11-30 03:11:18 · 17 answers · asked by senoritadolche 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

17 answers

Okay this has happened to most girls before. You fall for a cute, sweet, smart guy, only to find out he's taken. Well, why wouldn't he be, with all those great qualities? The truth of the matter is, if the guy was as into you as you're into him, he wouldn't be with another girl, he'd be with you. Granted there are a lof of other factors involved, such as how long he's been with her, how old you are, maybe he's afraid to break up with her, etc. Chances are the guy really does like you, but you're right...you can't be "the other girl." And that's what you are shaping up to be at this point. I was in a very similar situation in high school. I really liked this guy who was dating another girl, and I talked to him every night on the phone, hung out with him every weekend, and we flirted constantly, but the end result was he stayed with her and I ended up disappointed, confused and feeling like a jackass. What you need to do is treat the guy like your friend, since that's all he is right now. He'll respect you for not trying to break up his relationship, his girlfriend won't get all upset, and you'll feel better about yourself for not obsessing over him all the time. Talking to him about it might complicate your friendship, and you could risk losing everything you have with him right now. Guys feel weird if put in a position like deciding between two girls, so don't make him choose. He might feel awkward knowing you care about him that way if he doesn't return the feelings. As much as you like the guy, give it time, and if he doesn't come to you, then he's just not into you. Maybe he'll break up with her and then you can tell him how you feel. You sound like a head's up girl, so you'll find someone eventually. You never realize how much you love girls' nights til you have a boyfriend and can't see the gals anymore! Take advantage of being single...when you're meant to have a boyfriend, it'll be that much better when you know he really likes you.

2006-11-30 03:17:41 · answer #1 · answered by justme 7 · 0 0

This guy who has a gf and is flirting w/other girls is a jerk and should not be in a steady relationship. Do you really want to be with a guy who is a flirt? He'll do that to you(flirt behind your back). He's a hotshot and that's part of what gets him off. Dont break him up w/his just to get what you want; it'll cause more trouble than than you can EVER imagine. Do what you know you will not regret. His flirting with you means he doesnt take girls seriously, which will end pissing you off more than anything. Easier said than done but I'll say it anyway: get over this dude; his flirting with you means nothing. Also, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Got it? Good!

2006-11-30 11:29:06 · answer #2 · answered by element_op 3 · 0 0

Tell him how you feel, at least you can stop thinking does he doesnt he and then you can decide what to do next depending on what he says. A similar thing happened to me, i met a lovely guy at uni but he had a gf, and he had been with her for years, we were friends but i didnt think he would ever leave her and didnt know if he liked me, one day i told him i liked him and he said the same. eventually he broke up with his gf and we got together and its 6 years down the line now and we are still very happy.
you have nothing to lose by telling him.
good luck

2006-11-30 11:16:57 · answer #3 · answered by Jayne 2 · 0 0

Sounds to me like he is a player honey! He's only interested in whats between your legs.He's got a girlfriend and he's flirting with you? Probably flirting with a lot more girls then you.Try to forget him honey,he will only break your heart.There's plenty of other fish in the sea.Sounds like you having been with to many guys.Spread your self around and meet other guys.I'm sure you will find some one better then this flirting player.GOOD LUCK honey.

2006-11-30 11:20:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i don't think it is fair to you to be hurt like this, seeing the one you like with another girl. you have got to decide, either remain friends with this guy and find somebody else, or tell him how you feel and then let him decide whom he wants. but your friendship will change once you have asked him. however i think that you have a good probability that he will say yes, cause he knows you well and you hang out a lot already. so good luck

2006-11-30 11:19:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to talk to him and tell him how you feel. You never know maybe he does like you but ask someone else out because he didn't want to jeopardize your friendship. No matter what his answer is, you'll be fixed and it will be easier for you to either move on or to date him.
Good Luck!

2006-11-30 11:16:52 · answer #6 · answered by timi405 2 · 0 0

Take it one step at a time, I would even go on to say that If it would not hurt your relationship with him then ask him if he really likes this girl or is ti short term. Then depending on how that goes, ask him if he ever thought of you in that way.

good luck


2006-11-30 11:14:27 · answer #7 · answered by mrsdycus 2 · 0 0

If he is your close friend be open honest and direct with him. Maybe he never asked you out because you were not allowed to date or he did not think you liked him in that way. Go to your friend and be open honest and direct.

2006-11-30 11:14:13 · answer #8 · answered by chattylady47150 3 · 0 0

Ok, I say you need to tell him and hold true to your feelings. Be sure you are always there for him. In fact, email me the problem, and I'll help you out.


2006-11-30 11:16:16 · answer #9 · answered by Drew S 2 · 0 0

OMG talk to the kid and tell him how you feel it will get the weight of your chest and take it from there

2006-11-30 11:13:37 · answer #10 · answered by Lab Runner 5 · 0 0

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