My boy-friend and I have been together for 6yrs and have a daughter together. It seems like he doesn't talk to me about anything else but sex, the gym, food, baseball and work. I'm a good listener, but when I bring up a subject "I" want to talk about, he doesn't want to hear what I have to say, unless he asks the questions to me. Like if I say I would like to go to another country for vacation, someday. He'll change the subject and talk about his usual topics that I have to listen to the same thing. Basically if I talk to him about something that has nothing to do with his favorite topics, he doesn't seem to want to carry on with my conversation. He'll change it and go back to what "he" always talks about. I can't take it anymore. Sometimes he'll tell me to text him sexy messages and I do, but he asks me to do it everynight. I don't have a good imagination. So I get to send him the same messages everynight and he wants me to come up with something new. I'm out of ideas.
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Other - Family & Relationships