I saw this sad video on U Tube about a boy who lost his life (4 y/o) in a car accident. He was in a booster seat and when their van rolled his seatbelt (the van belt) came unattached and he was ejected from the car & died. :( Here is his website if you wish to see it - http://kyledavidmiller.memory-of.com/ And it really got me thinking... My son is just over 40 lbs and close in age to this child... we are about to use a booster seat... should I go w/ another carseat. The parents of this child say NEVER use a booster, they are not as safe as a 5 pt. system carseat. But the only company that sells 5 pt. systems for kids over 40 lbs & up to 80 lbs... is Britax and those carseats start at $250 and go up. WE will buy one if it is best... but I wanted to get some feed back. Also I have a baby.... he need to graduate to a new seat, I wonder what the best seat is??? I want what is best for my little ones. God bless & thanks in advance for any/all suggestions, websites, advice!!
2 answers
asked by
Francis Jane
Newborn & Baby