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All categories - 3 November 2006

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we all have stood in lines

2006-11-03 18:27:34 · 4 answers · asked by annjilena 4 in Other - Local Businesses

Suppose in Government Offices, Traffic and Students and Politicians

2006-11-03 18:27:28 · 16 answers · asked by raju p 1 in Philosophy

if you were asked why you would be a good contestant for deal or no deal what would you say????

2006-11-03 18:27:21 · 8 answers · asked by dawn 5 in Television

I will say Mariah is the sexiest 'creature' on earth. Agree? Maybe some will choose others because each one of us has different perception about 'sexy' hmmm any comment?

2006-11-03 18:27:18 · 22 answers · asked by amarylis01 1 in Celebrities

my son and i did "shrinky dinks" pretty much all day today. it's been about 25 years since i did them before, and he thought it was the greatest thing.

what's a favorite activity you did as a child?

2006-11-03 18:26:51 · 14 answers · asked by soren 6 in Polls & Surveys

My brother is 17 and likes a 19 year old gal who likes him as well. Do you think it is weird/wrong that they like eachother and what about if they went out?

2006-11-03 18:26:51 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

You know the saying, "Love you like a fat kid loves cake"? Well I'm looking for one starting with "Miss you like a ..." but I don't know where to go from there...thanks in advance!

2006-11-03 18:26:45 · 13 answers · asked by JitterBug589 3 in Quotations

Do you like to listen to current dance (including new Madonna, Bob Sinclar, Supafly Inc.) or classic dance (disco) I think current dance is much more cutting edge and fresh, but there are only a handful of stations in the country playing it. ;(

2006-11-03 18:26:30 · 8 answers · asked by RegularMan99 2 in Polls & Surveys

I didnt believe-and justified my sin-some say God cant help me chose not to sin-some here say that -it hurts my heart "In marriage the bed is undefiled" Hebrews 13

yes there is pleasure in sin for a season, then we reap what we sowed."

deamons controlled my thinking living in sin-and I decieved myself to saying I was happy& hated those that believed in Jesus and living for him.

the day came I had everything in life as a Jew but I couldnt reject the prophecies of him-or find true inner peace and joy within.

700 bce Isaiah predicted Jesus to die for our sins-"He will be exaulted. First he will be marred more than any man. All we like sheep have gone astray, and our sins will be put on him. He will lay down his life and make an atonement for our sins." Isaiah 52vs13-53vs12
then I found his promise from heaven "Behold I love you, and knock on your heart door to come in deliver from sin and become your friend." Revelation 3vs19&20 and prayed and let him in to save me!

2006-11-03 18:26:27 · 9 answers · asked by ? 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-11-03 18:26:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singapore

2006-11-03 18:25:56 · 7 answers · asked by matt o 3 in Cricket

What would be going on in your mind, if say your out shopping somewhere and all of a sudden this old guy comes up to you and hands you an envelope full of 100 dollar bills. I mean its a big bulk of 100's. He tells you here take this, please, as he puts it in your hand. He then turns around and starts walking away, fast. No one around you hears, or notices anything that just happend between you two. You then try and call to the ol' man but he ignores you and walks outta sight. What is going on in your mind?

2006-11-03 18:25:51 · 18 answers · asked by Angel 5 in Polls & Surveys

The New Papers published an article confirming that Mediacorp artiste Chou Chor Meng had been ousted and is no longer wanted by Meidacorp.It was indeed GREAT NEWS!.Fact is in real life,he is a extremely snobbish person whom his bad attitude and blunt replies have made alot of viewers and public dislikes and hated him.I recalled the incident whereby an lady carrying her 6 yr old baby girl was asking him very politely for an autograph during an outdoor apperance to promote a new show. Chou ignored the poor lady and he later told off the lady very loudly that he wont entertains any autographs or photo .He told the poor lady to leave him alone and later scolded his manager for not able to 'protect" him from the public.Those around were appalled by his bad attitude.That incident really shows the ugly side of Chor Meng With such a bad attitude and poor personality , who needs him around....

2006-11-03 18:25:43 · 1 answers · asked by chasen54 5 in Celebrities

it is 9:30 i am in south africa , i am leaving to go to a carshow ,enjoy your day.

2006-11-03 18:25:43 · 13 answers · asked by ? 2 in Singles & Dating

with me but that he had some kind of love for me. well after that he would tell me "much love" before we would get off the phone and stuff like that instead of i love you. well i would never really tell him it unless he would say it first. well one day i was texting him and we were talking and after we were telling byes i told him much love and he didnt say it back. i texted him and asked him why and he told me im tired and sends me a picture of himself laying asleep. why couldnt he just say much love back if he could do all that? do you think that he has lost interest or what?? what should i do?

2006-11-03 18:25:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

A car weighing 6600 N moves along a level highway with a speed of 110 km/h. The power of the engine at this speed is 57kW. The car encounters a hill inclined at an angle of 9.1 with respect to the horizontal.
If there is no change in the power of the engine, and no change in the resistive forces acting on the car, what is the new speed of the car on the hill? Answer in units of km/h.

I am so confused on this problem, can anyone step me throught it and help me get an answer.

2006-11-03 18:25:22 · 4 answers · asked by polo_05_polo 1 in Physics

i just saw a question that reminded me of something that happened to me the other night. i was up really late...on yahoo answers....and all of a sudden i started to hear (in my head) a male voice saying weird, off-the-wall sayings....in a british accent though. he wouldn't ask questions...but say exclamitory remarks...like "Blimey" or "Way to go Chum" or "wow-zer".....just weird things. i am not British...i am from Alabama USA. Why was there a British man inside of my head?

2006-11-03 18:25:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

Where do i find a good man???? 2 1/2 years of separation and i've focused on growing as a person, working 5 days a week, study 2 nights a week, raise my two beautiful children and have no idea where to meet a man!!!!
I'm told i'm sweet, attractive, funny, happy in myself and my life in general and have the wrong men chase me that i have no feelings for and wouldn't even try to date cause their best friends and not to mention my ex father in law.....talk about a creepy situation!! Aahh!!!!! scary.....
My sister suggested at work but i work in home and community care.....that means a lot of the clients i deal with are 80 and 90!!
When will i ever find a good bloke again!??!?
Do i trip one over? Run one down with a supermarket trolly??Join the lonley hearts ads at 22??
No! Give me some better ideas!
Even though fate will make it happen when it's a good time...Entertain me with some ideas anyway!

2006-11-03 18:24:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

if the universe is information and we as finite beings whose minds can process less than 1% of the stimulus we receive, than is a stone with no consciousness therefore "processing" 100% information... no? is that the hang up? processing? perhaps, like a stone, we process, but consciousness is how we WANT to process and is limited. I am so confused.

2006-11-03 18:24:40 · 12 answers · asked by willmin 3 in Philosophy


I remind you that most wars are not due to resources or power, but due to injustice. Germany felt unjustly reprimanded for WWI with the sanctions placed on its economy, so it reacted aggressively and started WWII.

Now, we are in another epoc of injustice. America supports Israel unconditionally due to the jewish lobby and it's biased support is now alarmingly more apparent.

It goes against Iran and muslims states due to nuclear weapons programs or human rights violations--and then says nothing to Israel, who has broken more UN resolutions than IRAN and broken more human rights accords outside its borders than any other country.

Its this injustice...and our blind support of Israel for no reason but the lobby, that puts us in a hypocritical position, and....sets things up for the next "global confrontation'

due to this injustice..

wars always start due to

2006-11-03 18:24:34 · 6 answers · asked by jack d 1 in Current Events

2006-11-03 18:24:20 · 5 answers · asked by Jaci D 2 in Other - Holidays

my hair is really curly and i luv it and wish i could wear it down but when it dries it gets super duper frizzy!
what could i do to prevent this?

2006-11-03 18:24:19 · 8 answers · asked by LBauburn 2 in Hair

2006-11-03 18:24:09 · 2 answers · asked by derrick_yao 1 in Decorating & Remodeling

What is your definition of a pervert? I have seen it used so often here and I am not sure what you all actually mean. Is it someone who is old and pretends they are young?

2006-11-03 18:23:59 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

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