I was always a rebellious child but yet loved my parents very much. I just had different views on how wanted to spend my life or what I wanted to do in the future. When my father died, I was just 19, and an only daughter of my parents. Naturally, I was deeply hurt. then, one of my nearest relatives who was like a mother to the family said that I was responsible for my father's heart attack and death as I was such a problem child always and never ever tried to do a thing to please him. That hurt a lot. I remained away for her for about two to three years and gradually I forgave her for what she said. It seems she does not even remember what she said. But I can ever forget the pain. Now, whenever I miss my father, the guilt and pain takes over and all my happy moments with him are lost in its gloominess. I just cannot seem to let it go, even after eight years! Perhaps I will carry the burden to my grave.
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