My fiance and I were pulled over a few nights ago, and I was ripped from the vehicle and put in cuffs, and was told that I had a warrant for missing court, on a noise ticket violation ( I was served with a summons in October to appear in court about it again in December, and my calander still says October, so what is the deal?), anyway my fiance was driving and he soon joins me in cuffs, as they stated that his license was suspended (news to us, as we just had a copy printed at the DMV, and they didn't mention anything.) We were both stunned and we asked a lot of questions to no avail. I was told that my car was parked fine, so that it wouldn't be towed, yet they had us sit in the van to go to the county for like 40 minutes, they pulled off with us just in time for me to see a tow truck take my car! We both were bailed out within an hour, but when I asked about where my car was towed to so that I could retreive it, I was told that I had foreited my car, and could not get it back?!
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pitbull lover
Law Enforcement & Police