What is “it”? Everything. I mean, women I meet, seem to have it all: jobs, families, nice clean houses, husbands, friends, great children – you get the picture. I have all of this, but I am a mess. Well, I almost have this- the house is never clean, I am stressed at work, nothing ever seems good enough for my children, etc. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am very thankful for all I have in my life; it is just that I wish I could manage it better. I just feel like I need more than 24 hours in a day to accomplish what needs to be done.
What really gets me is that no other mother I meet seems to have the same feelings. If I mention "it" I don't find support, & leave feeling inadequate.
Please email me (sherylmclaughlin@cox.net) and let me know if you are experiencing the same feelings-explain how you feel-also let me know if you have come up with a system to make your life manageable & how. I would love to put all the responses in a book so we can acknowledge and support each other.
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