got such vicious comment for mentioning an anti bush event, that I was stunned...probably 17 mean, hateful comment all from republicans and only one or two deomocrats...was told should be shot, run over by a truck, tortured, and recieved multiple insults..I was stunned as I hadn't realized republicans were that mean and intolerant of other viewpoints than their they get they from emulating people like Rush Linbaugh?.
.I was very upset, felt like crying, angry, and felt so ganged up on and wondered what has happened to people to make them so mean, insensitive and intolerant of anyone who differs from they opinion...they even insulted a long time retired vet who didn't like Bush
Several said we should be jailed (and no doubt tortured).
I would never dream of wanting to shot, kill, run over with a truck, jail, or deport any of them...they seem to want the death of liberals.
How do their reconsile this with moral values and being Godly and Christlike? I was told Yahoo
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