I have a gf, we have been together for about a year and we have a lovly realtionship. I am 23 and she is 21, the youngest from her sister married 29 with a son of 4, and her brother married. We are searching for a house to buy. Her sister and brother live in the same town of there mother, however I do not what to live there infact I am searching in different towns about 30minutes far away by car. When we find somthing good for us and we are going to buy it her mother says no it is not good "without an apparent reson". Her mother has alot of money and she wants contol sort of. I am fed up of seeing nice houses and just before the conclustion, we go back to square one. I need a good advice, I do not want to break the relationship couse of the mother, also I do not want to live near by her and let her giving order how to live. Thankx to all the readers in advance.
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Other - Family & Relationships