1.He created life and everything in existence.
2.Angels were part of his perfect creations.
3.oops! maybe God wasn't so perfect after all...one angel dared to
challenge him. ok, so God is flawed in creating perfection.
4.As a result of this new battle that now the devil was in competition for our souls....this is a battle God could lose! oh no! God is weaker than the devil!!
5.So now God decides to be a vengeful, jealous God and establishes rules for all his creation....."be good...or else!!". Wow, so now he's also a mean God that would send his creations gone bad to the burning ovens of the universe.
6. he sent his only son to save us from his creations gone bad. an embarrassing God, my oh my.
7. his word, rules and warnings were passed on to only the immediate apostles as another way to save us. We must follow these specific rules, this particular process and only then will you be given eternal life in heaven. If you get it wrong, if you dare make a mistake...
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Religion & Spirituality