Can I have faith that a one eyed one horned purple monster created the human being?
I have no empirical evidence, but I have faith, deep faith I know it in my heart.
I called the one eyed one horned purple people eater "lord" or "god".
My god the one eyed one horned purple people eater has given me some laws. One of these laws is that people older than 29 are not allowed to get married.
If people in America who are older than 29 keep getting married, we run the risk of being smited.
Do I have a legitimate reason for trying to amend the Constitution of the United States of America?
Once you understand my faith in the one eyed one horned purple people eater is based on faith, and no empirical evidence, wouldn't you automatically say no don't put your morality on me?
Someone is going to get the point, maybe not you, but someone is going to get the point.
Don't like gay marriage? Send a blender, the sky hasn't fallen anywhere theres been gay marriage.
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Religion & Spirituality