In no particular order: A good posture. White teeth and a pleasant smile. Combed hair in a style that is flattering to her face. A warm, friendly and pleasant personality. Make-up that is soft and not overpowering. Good hygiene. Clothing that is flattering to her figure - preferably in pastel colors. Forget grey, black and denim. Walk with grace and dignity, not like a truck drive. Order wine or a gin and tonic, not beer. Never drink from a can or bottle. Do not wear dark colored lipstick. Speak well -- do not dominate conversations. Laugh pleasantly, not like a donkey. Learn when to be modest and when to be sexy. While a great figure is an attracting feature, it is not as important as the ones I have listed here. You can be too fat or too skinny; however, this is something everyone can do something about, just work on it. Intelligence, self-confidence and a positive attitude about life. Don't smoke.
24 answers
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Civic Participation