I was reading replys to a questin I posted about why people dont take the time to truly know someone before judging them. Alot of responces stated my lifestyle as being gay and a parent on top of it all was a sin. Everyone believes in god in their own way, and may choose to believe in the way the churches view my type of lifestyle. To be honest I feel that god is with everyone, NO MATTER WHAT! I was given a chance to be totally happy with my life and to raise opened minded children that except all kind of people. We have taught them not to be judgemental on anyone because of differences they may have then our own. Some may call me a sinner, or other horrible names, but to raise a child to respect all different types of people in their lives is not a sin, it is a blessing that most children are not taught to do in todays times. Maybe children should be taught not to hate differnces, but to except them in their lives. ( Adult's should also be taught these values)
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