i am from rajasthan from general caste in rajasthan reservation problum is in horrable condition we are not totally against reservation but it shoud be for those who really need.
we have st. sc. obc. reservation categories from these categories only those people who are already in good condition enjoying the facility inspite of those who are poor and who really need.
they get admission in schools, collleges, universities, no matter how much they get one who work hard and scored 70% to 80% will not admitted from general category and from sc. st. and obc. if they get 45%to 50% they easily get admission is it justified with those working hard and not get addmission just coz they are from general category.
in Govt. Servicies all reserved groups are enjoying the facilities we are still not against reservation it shoud given to those who really need it. but not at higher level give them reservation at school level college level, dont charge money from them, give them books to study
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Other - Politics & Government