Getting reeds of all evils from your heart means you are doing the will of God and ignores evil suggestions from the devil into to your heart.Is better we all do the will of God.Love your neighbour as yourself Jesus mentioned again then.Where did the people come across slaughtering their fellow humanbeings in the guise of religion.The way suicidal bombs are increasing in America is it another way of showing love to fellow humanbeings? Can we say the way Usman Bin Laden attacked Americans is that another method of serving ?Surely all acts of terrorism that may eventually leads to world war,God doesn't want.America trained Usman Bin satanic Laden did God help in training terror?Absolutely NO.Humanbeings creates more problems for themselves.In retaliation for what Osama did a lot of innocent souls lost their precious lives in Iraq while Bush did not ask any of his sons nor daughter to face bullets.We should all be more appreciative and Thank God from our individual hearts as to love one..
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