Hai hai, everyone knows that Tokyo is one of the world's most expensive cities, either first or second place depending on how its competitor London is doing.
But what if you live in a place like Chiba, Saitama, or Yokosuka and take the long commute to Tokyo every day?
What's the approximate cost of housing in these "satellite cities"? For instance, what's average rent for a 2LDK flat (around 60~65 sqm)? And what would be the selling price of such a flat?
How about, hmm, the price of...
- A bowl of nabeyaki udon at a restaurant in one of these cities?
- 6 pieces of salmon sashimi (sake-sashimi) at a restaurant?
- A box of 6 futomaki sushi at a *supermarket*?
And finally...
What's the cost of a JR monthly commuter pass from Chiba to Tokyo, Saitama to Tokyo, Yokosuka to Tokyo?
Thanks for bearing with me and answering my questions!! ^_^
It's okay if you don't answer each of my questions exactly... just give me a brief idea of living expenses :p
Arigatou gozaimasu!!
6 answers
asked by
Flo Chen