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[Selected]: All categories Sports Martial Arts

Does anybody know any exercises I can do to increase my flexibility? I'm a 15 y/o male with European heritage so my legs have grown a lot. I want to regain the flexibility I once had to begin training in gymnastics. So, with this in mind does anybody have some tips for regaining flexibility and stamina? All comments are appreciated. Thanks

2007-12-09 18:44:33 · 6 answers · asked by Happy Holidays AM 3

I almost got myself in a fight awhile back and realized that if i hadnt talked my way out of it I definitely would've got my *** kicked.

Anyhow I signed up for some jiu jitsu classes on my campus twice a week so i could hopefully learn how to defend myself. So how effective is jiujitsu for self-defence? and how much practice would it take to be useful? Is twice a week enough?

And also if you find Jiu Jitsu effective, how come? have you ever had to use it in a real life situation?

2007-12-09 18:26:49 · 9 answers · asked by Aniatario 4

In doing martial arts, we put in our hard work and long dedicated hours. Expectations are built and when things don't happen as expected people get mad.

For the non-martial artist or beginning practitioner: Some of the old timers devote a lot of their time and sweat to an endeavor and to have the rug pulled out from them unexpectedly raises their temperature. I my own opinion, I have said some unkind and unprofessional things about other people. While no one has chided me on my words, my conscience has bothered me. Then too once you say a thing much of what you say can not be taken back.

So, I am posting this public apology here on the Internet and I feel that people should be civil and I have a lot to learn and I must discipline myself.

There are times, when we are right and others are wrong. The thought is that if we are civil, perhaps a just and upright solution will avail itself. There are many injustices in this world and many people unconsciously or semi-consciously make

2007-12-09 17:13:31 · 8 answers · asked by peacenegotiator 3

I would like something that moves along at the learner's pace, fast, agile, and a beautiful art that is also effective.
As well as something that incorporates weapons a lot and as its own and not using another separate style (karate does more kedno than an actual karate sword style for example... or so ive observed). Also an art that will make me ponder its philosophies such as ninjutsu and shao-lin kung-fu.
im going to say it now that i LOVED crouching tiger-hidden dragon and am curious about the REAL styles that were used in the film.
I love all weapons to absolutely no end and want to learn how to properly control them with finesse and effect. Oh. Also something that takes a long time to master with many many many aspects/secrets to the art to keep me learning and growing for a looooong time (i learn martial arts REALLY fkn fast).

so again i ask. what fighting style would be best for a determined, fast, not so strong, philosophical kinda person that loves any/all weapons to no end.

2007-12-09 16:14:39 · 7 answers · asked by sojiro_kamina 1

I wonna put my taekwondo, hapkido, and judo/wrestling skills to the test and put it together with lessons i can only learn in a real fight and i also want to make money before i leave the country

2007-12-09 16:04:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

exact or ruff estimated number?

2007-12-09 09:25:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Watching Ultimate fighter semi's on 'bravo' then match of the day 2 to watch arsenal get beat, then ultimate fighter final on 'bravo+1', AND IM OFF WORK TOMORROW!!!! Get in there my son!!!!!!!
anyone doing the same?

2007-12-09 08:51:18 · 4 answers · asked by Sylar 3

Last night he found out what it takes to be in the top fighters by digging in deep and finding what it takes to keep going. but how many think he is ready to be in title contention. I still think he needs a couple more hard fights. but hey I've been wrong before

2007-12-09 08:24:05 · 9 answers · asked by clown(s) around 6

I was taught to strike with the "ball" of the foot, but I see many people striking with the instep.... How were you taught, and why were you taught that it is the best way?

2007-12-09 06:54:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

please put its name down and tell me were I can watch it done. Thank you and God Bless.

2007-12-09 04:18:20 · 2 answers · asked by Domo 3

I have my grading for my brown belt tomorrow, and i am stuck on 2 different bunkai's for kusanku. Can anyone help?

2007-12-09 01:07:07 · 2 answers · asked by sxcam2007 2

i dont have any previous experience with martial arts except for when i was 4-5. but i dont even remember that. i have always been interested in martial arts but today i decided to watch some videos and try their simpler stuff. you can watch 2 of my kicks at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4ZegGmWFWo please let me know how i do

2007-12-08 22:40:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

QUESTION: What should William Kwai Sun Chow's family return to China as their gift, as the Professor's gift, to China, to the people of China, and to his family and clan of 29 million to 40 million people, his being the emperor-designate or one of four possible?

When I was a little boy, my parents would take me and deposit me with my grandparents for the day. I was taught to be a very obedient and filial child. To always listen to one's parents and to obey them, authorities, and the older ones. This I did and never have swayed. As one enters adulthood, things change tremendously!

As a child, my responsibilities were to look after grandfather and grandmother. I had to do all or most of the chores, which range from feeding the chickens to mowing the lawn and helping my grandmother make meals. I got to eat what she made, so helping grandmother, as a small boy, was a great joy!

As an American of Chinese ancestry, we were given codes to live by, both American and Chinese


2007-12-08 17:26:49 · 1 answers · asked by peacenegotiator 3

In Escrima there are drills known as 'weaving'- patterns that are repeated over and over again. Is the proper term 'sinAwali' or 'SinIwali'?

2007-12-08 16:50:19 · 4 answers · asked by Jessica K 2

Tony H said, "Hey guy, this might be a question for your local district attorney's office."

Sometimes, in life, the law will not protect you and courts are of little or no use. So, in such a case, it would be very proper to go to the entire martial arts community and to ask the question or to pose the question to them:

"Is there honor in the martial arts profession?" and "Where (to what extent) does honor lie?"

unranked Tai Chi and kungfu,

2007-12-08 15:53:35 · 5 answers · asked by peacenegotiator 3

Is it right for a martial artist to screw a man's family, friends, and martial arts family and walk off with deeds from a man's deceased wife and physician?

Any martial arts club and federation supporting such things should be disowned!

The martial arts practice was based on honor codes.


2007-12-08 15:38:52 · 7 answers · asked by peacenegotiator 3

like for when you don't have anyone around to work with, there any moves or anything at all you can drill solo?

2007-12-08 15:21:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Let's say the man's name was Wong. He had four or five brothers skilled in his artform and they practiced together. The man had a few sons and nephews to mention, all doing one or another martial arts form.

Lastly, the man had a club of many loyal followers. Most went out on their own, but a handful of loyal supporters remained and are still alive today in Hawaii, California, and other parts of the world.

Would you not include these people in your practice and club, highlight them and increase your fame? Thereby giving your sifu or sensei all of the honor and glory due him!

Would you not teach his philosophy and make it a part of your daily life?

If the founder is great, would you not want to publish and highlight his achievements to the entire world as an honor and testament to this man?

If you legitimately inherited a whole school and a complete set of thought and artforms, what would you do?

"Go challenge his nephew, HIM Yao Sui, perhaps?"


2007-12-08 14:52:20 · 3 answers · asked by peacenegotiator 3

Do family members care about one another?

What happens if you steal someone's martial arts club and name, how would the man's family feel about what you have done?

Why would you not include the man's family in your club knowing that they trained with the man in question?

If a man was a kata expert and the man had a step-son, who lived with him and trained with him. Would you leave this man's step-son out of your club?

If this man had a real son, who lived with another man's family and the real son, the man, and his step-son all were 10th degree and above, while you were only 9th and questionable, would you want to honor this man and allow his son to be a part of your club?

If a man had many lieutenants would you leave them out of your club also?

One man with a questionable degree representing a whole school and thought of martial arts. Is there any honor in this and who in the martial arts world would support such a thing?

Black Belt magazine and the many other clubs and ....


2007-12-08 14:16:35 · 5 answers · asked by peacenegotiator 3

NativeAtlantean (13 percent best answers, level 4, top contributor), posting in martial arts, two hours ago asked, "Do You Think Bruce Lee Was The Best Fighter Ever OR Just The Best Fighter That Became Famous?"

Lets look at this question from the stand point of a life and death struggle. Say you put two guys in a 40x40 room in a fight to the death finish.

Do you think that Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, or anyone else would survive?

Try answering this by who has the highest black belt degree and the martial arts experience fighting in life or death struggles like mentioned above. How many martial artist have ever been such matches?

Try William Kwai Sun Chow at 15th degree black belt as your answer! William Kwai Sun Chow, about five to ten years prior to his death was ranked as 20th degree blank belt, but such standing was not recognized by the martial arts community.

Who is the true successor to William Kwai Sun Chow and can you steal a martial arts name and community from anyone?


2007-12-08 13:58:01 · 8 answers · asked by peacenegotiator 3

for me personally, it looks very stupid and dumb and has no sense, i love martial arts and even want to become a black belt , but i think katas look stupid, plus, i just like to kick and punch and block,, thats what i like about martial arts,

2007-12-08 13:12:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


What is mantis martial art fighting style?

2007-12-08 12:57:16 · 11 answers · asked by Jack 3

i cant take martial art lessons and but im very strong and im 13 do yall think 1 day i can be very good, or better than bruce lee and what martial art should i fous on in yall opion i love bruce lee and his work i dont i could be better than him since hes one best ever to live but i think if i train and live way longer all be more exprinced and better

2007-12-08 10:01:37 · 12 answers · asked by the power 2

what martical arts style do you think is the best and which one would do you think a 14 year old girl should do. The choses are
Northern Sholin(i dont no how to spell it)
They are all martical arts styles from the avatar and i think they look cool.

2007-12-08 05:44:08 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I like Kyokushin but is thier any future in it, such as becoming a professional karate-ka like you can be in shotokan or other styles affiliated with the WKF which is recognised by the olympic commitee.

2007-12-08 00:53:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you view it as just moves against an opponent that just appears, different people attacking at separate times, or an attack from the same person/group of people?

2007-12-08 00:40:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i live in the gold coast queens land and theres 1 more week of school left till holidays and my Tae kwon do dojang doesn't have the classes over the holidays so i was wandering is there like a martial arts studio or something that i can train at because my mum doesn't like it when i just sit around and watch TV over the holidays and stay up till 3:00 am and sleep in all day and this time i agree with her!!!

2007-12-07 23:09:28 · 3 answers · asked by random 3

I was wondering. In a fight, where do you look. Do you look at your opponents face or fists?

2007-12-07 22:53:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-07 16:41:16 · 5 answers · asked by White FANG 1