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Martial Arts

[Selected]: All categories Sports Martial Arts


2007-07-04 20:42:47 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now that some of us have embraced mma, why are "one style" martial arts still around. Other than for something to do there useless. My view, and I know that most wont fell that way. I guess that's why there still around. There usefulness is over in real life application. They lead us to mma, there old and useless now. There like a really old person in America, they taught us what we need so we can now put them in a home.

2007-07-04 16:21:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

he watches flicks of Bruce Lee to train himself and this guy challenges leeroy to a fight to see if he can beat him. please if anyone has an idea of what this movie is called, please let me know

2007-07-04 11:56:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have been doing gymnastics since i was 3 about, and now im 13 i have been working at trying 2 do a back handsprang
4 all of those years.i am able 2 do a perfect round-off ,back walkover ,cartweel,handstand but all that is left is a backhandsprang. can u help me with some tips 2 get the backhandsprang? or anything else that u think would help me get it.(just so u no i take classes 1nce a week)

2007-07-04 03:21:16 · 2 answers · asked by heartsbabe121 1

2007-07-04 01:30:37 · 13 answers · asked by BluesRockJazzManiac 1

I am 38 years old and in the worst shape of my life. I'm overweight and in alot of pain from past sports injuries. I was a gymnast for 15 years and abused my body for most of those years. Someone told me that martial arts would be good for me, but I'm skeptical. Thanks for any advice.

2007-07-03 18:10:25 · 19 answers · asked by maigen_obx 7

Calling all expert martial artist. Haven't been to my dojo in a while (obligations and gas prices held me back). I am really ambitious about entering international competitions a few years from now and would like to know how long would it take to get on that level. In addition, peps, I would also like to know how to increase the height of my vertical jump, and how to stretch my kicks to be SUPER high! While y'all help? :)

2007-07-03 16:51:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-03 16:11:15 · 12 answers · asked by yzemann 2

Ninjitsu, Kuk Sool Won, Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, or Wushu? I am moving and these are the only ones I have to choose from.

2007-07-03 14:24:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to take one so I need your opinion and I keep getting confused. BESIDES MUAY THAI!!!! I don't have a Muay Thai dojo around here. So please don't put that. And dont say it's not about the art it's about the martial artist. I KNOW! I just want to know if they were all the same rank which would win.

2007-07-03 14:09:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like off of the T.V. show "Fight Science". There is the hammer fist and the pressure point attacks along with the supreme balance that a ninja has. It seems that no other style could compete with it. And if that's true, then why doesn't everybody just take Ninjitsu? What do you think?

2007-07-03 13:34:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-03 12:07:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now that I have experienced night training of both kinds, Shidoshi says I am ready to become part of the clan. He was very please with my jujitsu techniques and my assistance on his secret missions. In fact, because of my help, the school will be able to renew its lease this year.

Shidoshi says that next Friday at the full moon, he will do the ritual. I have to execute my kata, flawlessly, and make a small sacrifice of my own flesh. He promised that this would not hurt too much, because I will drink of the elixir of enlightenment first, which would numb the pain.

Then I will have to prostrate myself before the alter and be prepared by my elder clan brothers to enter this new phase of my training.

He said to bring a bottle of something called poppers to help with my initiation. I don’t know what that is, but he said that it’s very important. Shidoshi has been so helpful, I want to be sure that I don’t do anything wrong during the ceremony. Does anyone have any advice?

2007-07-03 09:10:01 · 12 answers · asked by what_the_hell_now 1

I do.

2007-07-03 08:45:46 · 7 answers · asked by A_WWE_FAN_4LYFE 6

does anyone know if i can buy grappling guns (like the one batman uses) on the internet?

2007-07-03 06:40:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am thinking about buying boxingbag for punching and kicking. I was wandering how much weights for ground bag holder I need to get to make sure it wont fall etc.

Any advices and opinions are very welcomed :)

thanks for help:)

2007-07-03 03:37:02 · 13 answers · asked by mrangelosd 4

Hi. Somewhat of a poll. Just wondering what people think the most important factor in winning an unarmed fight.

To start it off, I say speed is key, and next is weight (with higher better being better), until one compromises the other (so it's best at at an equilibrium). Afterall, force equals mass times acceleration.

2007-07-03 01:03:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

that dude would have been better off as a boxer if he trained hard and got some speed he would have been a good fighter to watch

DAMN YOU MMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-07-02 22:59:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have noticed that judokas usully get the upper hand, when competing ageanst a jujitsu guy. I'm also noticing that catch wrestlers usully get the upper hand on judokas.

-WHAT GRAPLING STYLE DO YOU LIKE THE MOST? dosent have to be any of the ones i listed. in another words wich grappling style is the best. dont say there is no best style, think of it as wich grappling syle has the best grappler.
and dont say depends on the rules. the rules are just grapping, no hiting.
- who is the best grappler?
Ad Santel, who studyed catch wrestling, beat many judoka some are Tokugoro Ito and Reijiro Nagata

Masahiko Kimura, a judoka, beat brazilian jujitsu (its not traditional jujitsu, but its a style of jujitsu) guys helio gracie and Valdemar Santana.

- if you dont balive the info look it up. oh yeah, Tokugoro Ito suposably beat Ad Santle in a remach, but it cant be officaly proven. So, that dosent count, for all one knows that could have be a romer spread by his buddys.

2007-07-02 19:58:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have another question, who thinks that low kicks only work in mma and not in real life

2007-07-02 18:56:12 · 6 answers · asked by hi 2

i'm thinking of going to this place karate america , http://www.kaleaders.com/ for the deal that they show on that webpage of 6 weeks of instruction and a uniform for 47 dollars. the only problem i'm seeing is that they told me, while the kids are grouped by belt levels, the adults are all thrown together in one class. i'm 21, wishing i could pose as a kid. ought i to pass up this deal and try to find some place that has separate level classes for adults?
think it would be terribly uncomfortable?

2007-07-02 17:25:54 · 17 answers · asked by lonesome me 4

Kiya? =//

2007-07-02 16:27:07 · 11 answers · asked by calan b 2

All I know is that Kuk Sool Won is a korean martial art.

2007-07-02 15:18:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it wrong to have a karate belt display rack, as this is seen as a prideful act?

2007-07-02 14:59:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-02 10:16:38 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is a trick question.

2007-07-02 10:04:51 · 16 answers · asked by TopSpin 5

After a warm-up show against Pulver....Do you think Penn will defeat Matt Huges and erase that lose he had before!?

I think Huges better shape-up and train harder.....Penn is out for revenge. I think Penn will finish off Huges on a Kamura or a rear naked choke hold (like he did before).

2007-07-02 05:49:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have noticed a lot of complaints about ranking in this martial arts section.Lets start at the begining.The founders of modern karate FUNAKOSHI /MOTOBU/MABUNI etc.never possesed any rank before introducing their arts to JAPAN.Rank was unheard of on OKINAWA but to be accepted into the list of JAPANESE MARTIAL ARTS they had to accept the ranking structure established in KENDO//JUDO//AIKIDO etc.The BUDO KAI which was the governing authority awarded them ranks of 5th(godan) ranking.This is a master teacher rank which simply means he knows his stuff and can teach it .Where their ranks like 6th 7th dan and above came from I don't know but I can assure you they didn't sit any test for them.

Rank is subjective to the respect you extend to the holder of that rank.As in the armed forces you salute the rank not the man.Anyone who introduces himself promotes himself and insists on being called "MASTER" PROBABLY ISN'T.


2007-07-02 05:00:51 · 12 answers · asked by bunminjutsu 5

What is the diffrence for Genjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu I'm not talking about the Naruto series I'm talking real life.

2007-07-02 04:56:17 · 5 answers · asked by frost2266 2

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