i have noticed that judokas usully get the upper hand, when competing ageanst a jujitsu guy. I'm also noticing that catch wrestlers usully get the upper hand on judokas.
-WHAT GRAPLING STYLE DO YOU LIKE THE MOST? dosent have to be any of the ones i listed. in another words wich grappling style is the best. dont say there is no best style, think of it as wich grappling syle has the best grappler.
and dont say depends on the rules. the rules are just grapping, no hiting.
- who is the best grappler?
Ad Santel, who studyed catch wrestling, beat many judoka some are Tokugoro Ito and Reijiro Nagata
Masahiko Kimura, a judoka, beat brazilian jujitsu (its not traditional jujitsu, but its a style of jujitsu) guys helio gracie and Valdemar Santana.
- if you dont balive the info look it up. oh yeah, Tokugoro Ito suposably beat Ad Santle in a remach, but it cant be officaly proven. So, that dosent count, for all one knows that could have be a romer spread by his buddys.
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