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i have been doing gymnastics since i was 3 about, and now im 13 i have been working at trying 2 do a back handsprang
4 all of those years.i am able 2 do a perfect round-off ,back walkover ,cartweel,handstand but all that is left is a backhandsprang. can u help me with some tips 2 get the backhandsprang? or anything else that u think would help me get it.(just so u no i take classes 1nce a week)

2007-07-04 03:21:16 · 2 answers · asked by heartsbabe121 1 in Sports Martial Arts

2 answers

The key to learning back handsprings is an "Octagon".
Octagons are specially used to help beginners with back handsprings because they provide support and stability.
Until you get comfortable with flipping backwards then the teachers will spot you. After that learning process is over you will be doing back handsprings like crazy!!!

2007-07-04 03:48:48 · answer #1 · answered by simpli_cute 3 · 0 0

I sometimes encourage my students to go to the pool and work on a back dive and then once they can do that a back flip off the low dive. It does not hurt near as much if you miss or don't make it and since this is summer it is a way for you to have fun while you work on developing your skills. Take note of how far over you have to rotate on the back dive and you only have to rotate a little further and faster to make a handspring. If the front of your toes hit on the actual back handspring that's an indication that you are not going over fast enough or far enough.

Because it is a blind, falling backwards technique most people have a tendency to turn their head to look which slows their momentum and they go sideways. Play with it first at the pool if you can (but not off the side of the pool). If you can't then use a strong spotter and try doing backbends off a slight elevation of two inches with a mat so that you can make it around and resist turning your head. If you do turn your head you will go to that side rather than straight back. Doing back bends will help overcome this some. Also start doing some vertical push-ups if you are not doing them already so that your arms and shoulders can take the weight overload as you come over on the rotation and your elbows won't collapse. Once you can do the backbends and make it straight over you are ready to try the next step and raise the elevation a few inches and do a slight jump up and back but not to far back so that as your feet come up and over the arch of your back forces them to come over more and you will have it. Use a good, strong spotter to help you!

2007-07-04 03:57:32 · answer #2 · answered by samuraiwarrior_98 7 · 0 0

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