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Martial Arts

[Selected]: All categories Sports Martial Arts

I know one person who took it, and didnt think it would work in a real fight, say for example if someone was trying to punch you in the face (the most common form of assault I can think off).

2007-07-09 10:33:09 · 11 answers · asked by cocovan 1

I only got 4th place out of six people in the judo tourny i went to.
I won my first,
lost my second,
won my third,
lost my fourth on injury.
But... the person i fought fourth was the guy who i beat in my first match... and he finished ahead of me. its not fair. should i have gotten third?

2007-07-09 09:52:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does any body have a good remedy or treatment for bruised ribs. My lower ribs on my left side got bruised by a misguided punch. What would make them feel better?

2007-07-09 09:46:53 · 5 answers · asked by David411 1

I'd like to know if it's really effective. Girls: Any of you had to use it in a real situation?

2007-07-09 03:10:51 · 22 answers · asked by Cinthia R 1

Ive noticed that there are a couple of sizes for nunchaks being sold. What is the difference in use for them? I mean is it just a matter or preference or is there something about some sizes?

2007-07-08 14:58:48 · 11 answers · asked by DudeWantsAnswers 3

2007-07-08 14:06:29 · 26 answers · asked by Habt our quell 4

i started tae-kwon-do not too long ago [about a month ago]
usually i feel fine after a session, but on occasion [3-4 times a month] we have a day that involves a serious workout, and i end up overheating, ive been told its because of my long hair [which is still too short to tye back, so that isnt an option]
i know its not just my out-of-shape-ness because there are 10 year old girls [im 14, and the girls are, no insult intended, "bigger", than me, and have only been doing it about a month longer].

how can i prevent this next time?
[other than drinking more water, which ive already tried]

2007-07-08 13:48:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

there are millions, and am not sure which one to go for !! i need something which not only allows me to avoid being hit but to be able to cause damage aswell (dont want those b*****s to get away with it)!!

here is some of the ones that i found :
Wing chum
Kick boxing
Free style karate
Jujutsu (go-shin-ryu jujitsu)
Brazilian Jiu jutsu
Shaolin kung fu
Jeet kun do
Tai Chi Chan
Tai chi
Choi kwang Do (American karate)
Dragon-tiger shu Hapkido
Kenpo Karate
Brazilian Kung Fu (Capoeira)
Cobra Kai
Krav Maga
Chi na

Thanks in advance for the help ;)
[if u can also say why did u make a particular chioce]

2007-07-08 11:32:53 · 31 answers · asked by Sea Bass 4

Hello, I've been doing karate of several years and enjoy it very much. But recently, I've read a lot of comments by various MMA fighters and other fighters claiming karate as a "useless style" or "wussy style". I really don't understand... Some of the comments claim that Karate's rule of no head contact is stupid and is a "wussy rule". Many believe that only martial arts that have knockouts will "work" and are far superior. Do people really think that martial "arts" is really about kicking each other's ***? Or is it showing respect with each other without knocking teeth out?

2007-07-08 10:18:45 · 23 answers · asked by Mushin No Shin 3

what are some that allows me to do that

2007-07-08 10:14:39 · 14 answers · asked by hi 2

i went around looking at karate stuff and ppl said ninjutsu is better for todays streetfighting.what is ninjutsu?

2007-07-08 05:55:40 · 11 answers · asked by Wes 2

2007-07-08 03:25:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Temari vs. Sakura
Neji vs. Sakura
{Kinda both}
Tenten vs. Hinata
Naruto vs. Itachi
Ino vs. Temari
Sasuke vs. Itachi
{Older Sasuke}
Gaara vs. Sasuke vs. Neji vs. Naruto
{Sasuke and Neji, Gaara and Naruto}
Sakura vs. Hinata
Sasuke vs. Sakura
{Older Sakura}
Kakashi vs. Older Sasuke
Neji vs. He's Uncle
Neji vs. Hinata
{Kinda Both}
Naruto vs. Sakura
{Sorta Both}
Sakura vs. The 5th
You decide on who you think
should win. Ja ne

2007-07-07 23:32:49 · 2 answers · asked by InuYasha 1

if you had no fight background, would you try and fight Chuck for $100,000?

2007-07-07 19:25:54 · 20 answers · asked by Aiea Joe 3

the fighters always grab the fence. Iève never seen a point deducted because one did. was it longer than usualÉ

2007-07-07 19:05:05 · 11 answers · asked by Lee Edward 1

Ikkyo is the first immobilization of Aikido.

2007-07-07 18:48:12 · 2 answers · asked by Murakumo Dojo 3

I'm thinking about doing Martial-arts and I was wondering what weapon to use. I'm not too strong physically and weapons appeal to me. I was thinking: two tiny swords or a staff or throwing stars. I stopped at an Orange belt which was the 3rd level. I still know how to do a couple of good kicks like the hook kick.

Also, I have long arms and legs. What is a good style for me?

2007-07-07 13:13:23 · 12 answers · asked by Michael 1

Is Hung Gar a combination of Tiger, Crane, Snake, Lepord, and Dragon styles of Kung Fu? PLEase answer me this in a very simple way, i don't know a lot about martial arts so please, please dont be so complicated. I just wnat to know, why there is a martial art like Hung Gar that teaches five different martial arts. In other words, why would someone do Tiger Kung Fu that ONLY teaches Tiger and thats it when they could learn Hung Gar, which teaches Tiger and four other martial arts styles. And what is this Five Animal style, is that a martial art because it has the exact same animals i just named for Hung Gar. And if those are just animal that are used in southern martial arts, are those the only ones? Thank you in advance.

2007-07-07 08:32:08 · 6 answers · asked by Keith Calero 1

2007-07-07 07:41:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-07 05:35:56 · 9 answers · asked by Lovely B 3

I mainly do Taekwondo but I have dabbled in some other martial arts. I understand that Taekwondo is very... how should I put it.... umm has sever flaws. I am planning to continue my parent's Taekwondo business (do not bash our tkd. unlike other schools we are very tradtitional to the art, not merely commercial, and do not deal very much with "sport" taekwondo.) I am 15 years old. Currently I am in Korea for Tkd training as well as Kendo training. I would like some suggestions on what martial art to take next and the order I should probably take it.
I have done some Hapkido, Kung fu, Tai chi, and Judo but not enough to fully grasp all concepts of the art. I want to slowly start and attempt to master the basics of most martial arts. So... I need help with a starting point.
I am thinking of doing Hapkido, Judo, or Jujitsu first. Later moving onto Kung fu (I will be going to taiwan for some time for tkd training later) Muay Thai I am considering but... it seems awkward with the rest.

2007-07-07 03:52:03 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-07 02:43:12 · 15 answers · asked by Lovely B 3

I watch 24 alot. And Jack elbows people in the back of the head.

Is that manouver difficult to execute?
Which area do I need to target specifically?

2007-07-07 02:27:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-06 19:53:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

i workout alot im in football and wrestling and im very well conditioned

2007-07-06 19:51:36 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

i know the techniques they would use as i do boxing and a form of freestyle karate based on muay thai but i was wondering how they train?

do they run skip do push ups do they train like boxers or tae kwon do guys what is a normal routine for a kick boxer? can anyone give me a lesson plan just so i can get an idea and no i dont wanna do kick boxing im happy with what i do (finally)

2007-07-06 19:25:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-06 19:00:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My wife is from Japan (samurai family lineage). She tells me that seiza is actually "bad" for the knees. Due to the contraints of certain Japanese societal situations when the samurai were more relevant seiza allowed for the ability to sit for long periods (hours), and still move well from the seiza position. The other benefit is the transferrence of reliance upon the skeleto-muscular system for power to the hara and seika tanden. This allows for improved harmony & power with the overall body and it's surrounding environment. However, the physiological effect on the knee structure itself results in a geometric perversion, and the shape of the knee becomes unsightly. Also, due to this change the knee actually becomes weaker in standing waza from a newtonian physics point of view even though the whole body becomes more effective due to hara reliance. This occurs if done from childhood with serious rigor. Please provide any technically correct and deep arguements/answers to this.

2007-07-06 18:31:42 · 3 answers · asked by Murakumo Dojo 3

when i was little i always wanted to be a balletdancer or be in gymnastics... bellydancing and any other form of activity such as martial arts that involves a lot of flexibility always interested me... i really wanna become flexible and stuff so that way i can be in atleast one of these... but i am 15 now... and most ppl that are in ballet or gymnastics start at a really young age... for right now tho... does anyone kno any flexibility excersizes i can do to become considerably more flexible than i am... and perhaps even become flexible enuff to participate in any of these?

2007-07-06 17:40:55 · 6 answers · asked by Ruby 4

i have recently discovered that lower blocks are really not that good and as a result i have stoped doing traditional karate i am still going to continue with my freestyle because they are more based on muay thai and prefer checking

what do you guys think is better blocking or good footwork comined with checking?

2007-07-06 17:21:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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