So, I took Tae Kwon Do in elementary school, but really only 'cause my friend did - I don't think I ever even took a belt test. I also rode horses, which I liked, and did gymnastics, which I hated. (Too much falling off of crap all the time.)
But, now I'm old (well, 21, but I feel old) and in crappy shape - plus, I'm bored and need a hobby. Since I live in the city now, horseback riding is a little out of the question, so I came to the idea of trying martial arts again.
Through 'net research and visiting area schools, I'm basically down to deciding between akido and shotokan karate. I'm more or less academically aware of the differences between the two - I'm mostly just looking for something to improve my physical condition. The spiritual principles in akido interest me, but not enough for that to make the decision for me.
Really, I'm worried about being an out-of-shape female beginner who isn't a little kid, since I already have crap for self-esteem. So.. What say you?
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