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Martial Arts

[Selected]: All categories Sports Martial Arts

I have hand wraps, and I know how to apply them to give the best optional support for my wrists and all things dealing with fist strikes. But I'm very kick heavy, I like to use kicks to keep my target or partner at a distance and when they close the distance I grapple and lock them.

What I'm looking for is support for my left leg and ankle from an injury I incured when working at a ceramic shop. I fell to a kneel in one instance and the second time one of the heavier molds fell on the joint of my ankle, both occurances of the left leg.

Are there are ways to add support to my leg to reduce the wear and tear it already suffers from in the form of a kind of wrap? Or will soccer shin guards work for my ankle, but what will work for my knee? I intend to implement the technique(if any) to both legs for added protection and security. Where can I find, or what can I use for ankle wraps or knee support?

2007-07-11 19:10:28 · 5 answers · asked by BH 2

How would you train a begineer to fight what tools would you give him if we wanted to train in martial arts such as taekwondo , kickboxing , muay thai ?

any help would be great thank you

2007-07-11 18:20:04 · 9 answers · asked by darkmind 1

what does it mean when you have no idea how to fight but when you do fight somebody, someone asks you seriously "where did you learn martial arts?"

2007-07-11 17:38:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-11 17:21:46 · 5 answers · asked by bear 1

and i know probably not for awhile but i was wondering when would i be able to go to a competition?

2007-07-11 17:18:34 · 6 answers · asked by luvtheramz81 1

I have a possible situation where i have one kid who i know for a fact wants to beat me up, and i'm deffinate that he told all of his buddies about me. I have my own friends, but i know they won't always be around me to back me up. So what should i do if i find myself in a situation with 2 or more people?
(P.S. I already am a 1st Dan Black Belt in TSD, but i don't think i'm trained enough for this kind of situation)

2007-07-11 15:36:50 · 14 answers · asked by zak r 1

it's not nearly gay enough for us WWE fans!

2007-07-11 14:14:44 · 11 answers · asked by JasonVorhees 1

I would say Krav Maga

2007-07-11 13:59:41 · 16 answers · asked by stephenjlb 3

In real life how many guys can 1 man beat ??

It shows Bruce Lee, Jet Li, and all those other good fighters beating alot of guys at the same time, do you think that's possible, or do they add extra stunt guys for parts like that in movies ??


If " Fist of Fury " ( which is basically energy, fire, and adrenaline running through your body with power & force )

If " Fist of Fury " was applied correctly, how many guys do you think Bruce Lee, Jet Li or someone good like those solo street fighters could beat at the same time ???

Hope I get some good answers, I like learning about the true meaning of Martial Arts & Kung Fu ... I never get tired of it, it's pretty amazing !

2007-07-11 13:36:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems like every "rasslin" fan is a dork who lives in their parents basement, and just plays xbox all day until smackdown is on. Can this statement be anymore accurate?

2007-07-11 08:45:44 · 15 answers · asked by DoeBoyFresh 2

How do you compare Mixed Martial Arts to the more traditional arts that are out there (Karate, Aikido, Wushu, etc.) Personally, I can't stand "MMA" or the UFC. The thing about Mixed Martial Arts (an appropriate term considering it's like what hot dogs are to real meat) is that it relies completely on overpowering and bludgeoning your opponent into submission. A true martial arts master can overcome such an opponent by knowing where to strike him- a place that no amount of conditioning can fortify. Instead of overpowering him, he can use the other's strength and momentum against him, transfer his energy. There is no thought or technique put into MMA, really. Is it effective? Sure, against other MMA fighters. I hardly feel, however, it deserves to be called an "Art." That's my opinion. What's yours?

P.S.- I'm not looking to start a posting war with a bunch of MMA die hards who have no legitimate argument but would rather hurl obscenities and derisive remarks about everything non-MMA.

2007-07-11 02:45:13 · 8 answers · asked by Renaissance Man 2

So, I took Tae Kwon Do in elementary school, but really only 'cause my friend did - I don't think I ever even took a belt test. I also rode horses, which I liked, and did gymnastics, which I hated. (Too much falling off of crap all the time.)

But, now I'm old (well, 21, but I feel old) and in crappy shape - plus, I'm bored and need a hobby. Since I live in the city now, horseback riding is a little out of the question, so I came to the idea of trying martial arts again.

Through 'net research and visiting area schools, I'm basically down to deciding between akido and shotokan karate. I'm more or less academically aware of the differences between the two - I'm mostly just looking for something to improve my physical condition. The spiritual principles in akido interest me, but not enough for that to make the decision for me.

Really, I'm worried about being an out-of-shape female beginner who isn't a little kid, since I already have crap for self-esteem. So.. What say you?

2007-07-11 02:24:58 · 10 answers · asked by shoujokakumeijchan 2

Based on my experience in a previous martial art, and my research on the Internet, it sure seems like $500 is WAY too much for a 2 part black belt test (especially when the existing black belts aren't all that impressive). I get the sense that I'm just getting pumped for profit.....

Anyone feel the same way?

2007-07-10 18:30:36 · 25 answers · asked by obiwaugh 2

i want to do some kind of kick boxing and eventuly fight comation
with good selfdefence

2007-07-10 15:40:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I watched the bourne identity bonus features the other day and they said the fight scenes were Kali based moves but I thought Kali was just knife/ stick fighting. Can anyone clear this up? Is there some other bare hand type of this style?

2007-07-10 15:29:52 · 3 answers · asked by keith j 2

Through the history of Eastern Martial Arts, Qigong and external systems have grown up together. Bodhidharma's Marrow Washing exercises grew up beside his 5 animal style kung Fu... ultimately influencing most other arts... Karate, Taekwondo, Jujitsu, Kobudo.
My style, Isshinryu has one kata, Sanchin, which I would consider to be a straight up Qigong form. (Iron Shirt Chi Kung) We also do Mokuso (sitting meditation) during class, which is similar to many Qigong exercises. Does your style have any practices you would consider Qigong. (Ki, Chi) maybe even Ki-ai. (The Shout)

2007-07-10 12:23:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been doing staf fighting for about a year now and I'm struggeling on one thing - a backwards roll. I've been told before that you always roll on your shoulder - which I think I do but the problem is when I land. I always end up landing on my knees - which gets them full of painful bruises every week!

Does anybody have any idea what the problem is and how the hell do I do a backwards roll probably???

(Also I keep getting bruises from rolling on my shoulder too and can't land with my hands on the ground since they'll then also get bruises - I just have to land on my feet.)

2007-07-10 08:27:03 · 10 answers · asked by bumblecustard 3

Just wondering what oz they should be?

2007-07-10 05:54:09 · 4 answers · asked by andberg1182 2

I'm currently taking taekwondo classes and everytime we spar, I get injured in some way (or extremely exhausted). I'm also afraid to kick sometimes because I'm alwas afraid of counter-attacks or some sort. lol I get a little angry when I get hit by a back kick. (it hurts even with sparring gear) Any way to overcome this fear? (afraid to get hit in the crotch- it happened once)

2007-07-10 04:58:00 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, I have been doing Taekwondo for aobut 5 years and am about to test for third degree black belt. I really dont do it as much for the fighting but really just to get good workouts and t ostay in shape. I'm just not sure if it realyl would help me in a real fight because we dont spar or stuff liek that full contact. Btw im really good at it but im just npot sure if it is really all it is cracked up to be...

2007-07-09 19:22:27 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

im training for an amateur full contact fight, i have no coach, and due to my schedule cant geeet to any gym. It is my second fight and i am an alright fighter, i just need to train hard! please help!

2007-07-09 15:35:04 · 5 answers · asked by sasha_c_schiavi 1

i am thinking about martial arts. always interested when younger, and love physical things. played football and wrestled in high school, and lift weights both now and then. looking for something too channel my physical energy into. i really would like to learn Jeet Kune Do (Love Bruce Lee movies), but is this like an advanced martial art? do i need to take karate, or some other "beginner/starter" disipline first

2007-07-09 15:26:32 · 18 answers · asked by Kenneth M 3

I was told by someone that it would be very intimidating to an attacker.

My feeling is that this would be an absolutely dumb thing to do, your thoughts?

2007-07-09 15:21:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to buy a huge (7 feet long or longer) sword that is very sharp and good quality

2007-07-09 14:39:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been training in Muay Thai and have been told by my trainer that I am now ready to do atleast 1 fighters class a week on top of my mixed training.. I have done a fighters class before but feel bad when training with the really experienced fighters as I feel like they are just having to stop during training/sparring etc.. and keep showing me things and teaching me stuff etc,.. I feel as though they are missing out on the full benefits of the class for themselves when they have to partner with me compared to someone of their own experience, I know I would get slighlty annoyed if I always had to train with a newb and had to train at their level when I could be doing more... how do the really experienced people feel about this? Thanks :)

2007-07-09 14:19:12 · 7 answers · asked by channille 3

How do I find capoeira classes in my area? I know I can use the phone book before you smart mouths say it! But other than that and searching on yahoo(didnt find anything on yahoo) what are some good sources? And how do I know that I found a good school?

2007-07-09 13:14:36 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like to create world peace.

Or maybe it won't work unless I am a 1 in a million kung fu genius?

2007-07-09 11:42:24 · 5 answers · asked by Bruce Tzu 5

Is it a real word? or did someone make it up for marketing value and it just got picked up? did people call kung fu kung fu in old china? if they didnt call kung fu kung fu then what did they call chinese boxing back then?

2007-07-09 10:55:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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