I keep hearing criticisms of Tae Kwon Do (or karate) - it's too flashy, it won't help you in a fight, all TKD schools are McDojos, etc., etc.
Quite frankly, the criticisms I have heard about "McDojos" do not apply to my TKD school. We do full-contact sparring, we focus on the more basic kicks that DO work, and we devote a fair amount of our lesson time to punching as well. In addition, my school also offers Hapkido and Beksudo courses. We've learned a few throws as well.
Also, the feared Korean Marines trained in TKD, and it's been around for several centuries. If TKD was useless, why did the Koreans stick with it for so long?
I know TKD has its limitations, especially in ground fighting- I think that's why my school also offers Hapkido and Beksudo. And doubtless there are many "McDojos" out there because it's an Olympic sport and it's so popular. But why condemn all of TKD if you went to ONE lousy school or watched a TKD tournament (where they had rules, like they do ...
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