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Football (American) - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Sports Football (American)

First rule change. Let there be a 7:00 minute overtime period and no sudden death. If there is no winner the game ends in a tie.

Second the division winners and two non-division winners with the best record make the playoffs but determine seeding based on Won-Lost-Percentage. This avoids a 12-4 Wild Card team to play a 9-7 division winner at the division winner's stadium.

Third, Award greatness. If a team can get to the Championship game or Super Bowl allow that team Bonus Cap Money to keep the team together for a short period of time. This way a team like the Saints or Bears can make a real shot again of winning it all.

The NFL is too mediocore. We need great teams again like the 1970's Steelers, 1985 Chicago Bears, 1980's SF 49ers, 1990's Cowboys, 1994 SF 49ers, 1986 NY Giants, 1996 Green Bay Packers, 1960's Green Bay Packers, 1998 Denver Broncos.

No team in today's NFL would stand a chance against these great teams. Great teams define an Era of Football.

2007-03-30 18:21:38 · 11 answers · asked by babyface 2

According to his agent Drew Rosenhaus, the deal signed on Tuesday by San Francisco 49ers star running back Frank Gore was a four-year deal worth $28 million, including $13.8 million in guaranteed money.....this for example. I assume it is performance and incentive based, just not completely sure

2007-03-30 17:27:55 · 9 answers · asked by denverdude_80 2

They use to not suck at least. Now I can hear them sucking all the way down in Salinas. I will hide in the corner now.

2007-03-30 17:03:47 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


I was told that if a player does not get drafted he could walk on. Kinda of what they do in college football. any truth to this?

2007-03-30 16:37:46 · 9 answers · asked by carriec 7

i was a defensive lineman and fullback for my highschool. i was 195 pounds of fat, now i am 175 with lean muscle, i noticed that my 40 yard dash and my agility and acceleration imporved greatly, now i run a 4.3 which i used to run a 4.7, i am thinking of becoming a wide reciever, i plan on just outrunning defenders with my explosive speed, i am okay at catching and ok at running routes and planning on going to wide reciever camp to better those skills, do you think a shift to reciever is good idea?? i have no experience playing reciever, what other positions do you reccomend?

2007-03-30 16:23:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean countries like Ghana can beat america.. thats fairly pathetic..

2007-03-30 13:08:08 · 20 answers · asked by nakatablue 2

I am from Indianapolis and personally there is nothing I enjoy more in sports than the rivalry between my hometown team the Indianapolis Colts and the New England Patriots. I think rivalries in sports makes sports more exciting. Without rivalries the Boston Red Sox-vs.-New York Yankees, Michagan-vs.Ohio State, Maple Leafs-vs.-Canadiens, Redskins-vs.-Cowboys, and so on matches wouldn't have the luster they have now. Personally, I see the rivalry between Indianapolis and New England as a rivalry based off of respect because no two teams in the NFL have been more successful in the past ten years then these two teams and I think that fans on both sides enjoy the rivalry because it's slowly becoming a legendary rivalry, especially because both teams have the best quarterbacks in the game, Peyton Manning and Tom Brady. What do you think?

2007-03-30 12:43:52 · 14 answers · asked by Thomas C 4

2007-03-30 12:31:40 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-30 12:27:49 · 18 answers · asked by Natalie 2

i gave my citation on the details to the best answer on the previous question. lol. i forgot to actually say what it was. it was indeed designed by George Dad Braisher. Vince Lombardi however came up with the idea of "Great" in 1961. citation: video, "The legend of Lambeau Field".......sorry, i forgot to add the answer in, so i'm telling you now. lol

2007-03-30 12:03:19 · 28 answers · asked by The Claymaker- Go Pack! 6

2007-03-30 11:00:57 · 9 answers · asked by stitchedrockstar 1

2007-03-30 10:04:55 · 10 answers · asked by donotim 1

2007-03-30 03:58:32 · 50 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have heard that he may be leaving this year.....

2007-03-30 02:22:13 · 13 answers · asked by hugbug 1

2007-03-30 01:46:16 · 8 answers · asked by Nick Zilli 1

Why do us girls have to be classifyed in a difffrent way. Why cant we just play the sport we love to play. Why do we have to have seprate teams. we have a Girl team and then a Boys team why. why dont we play together no matter what.

2007-03-30 01:42:33 · 26 answers · asked by Wyatt 2

Certain delusional people seem to think that Belichick and Brady are two versions of the next coming.
How would these two guys do if they were coach and QB of the Croakland Faiders? That is it, no other changes to the team.

2007-03-30 00:43:38 · 5 answers · asked by ivan_beals 3


2007-03-29 23:34:07 · 9 answers · asked by Isabel F 2

which team will draft them?

2007-03-29 21:52:36 · 6 answers · asked by Farez 4

It seems as though if the Eagles can take an early lead they have an extream advantage.... Jim Johnson seems 2 b the blitz geniouse in the NFL....he makes perfect packages and uses his safteys 2 disrupt the short game....or sneaking in a joker line backer...but this only seems 2 b affective if the Eagles are ahead...this might b a product of turning teams into a 1 dementional offense bi gaining leads but maybe its just Jim Johnsons way of no guts no glory...pin ur ears back with nothing 2 lose...maybe we should go that route more often....lead or no lead...blitz all damn day...i member the first dallas-eagles game last season...iv never seen more blitzing in mi life...and we won with out evr having a defining lead...maybe thats y or defense isnt winning cause the are playing 2 conservative..... Ur thoughts on wat will make this Defense better

2007-03-29 20:24:03 · 8 answers · asked by BadAndy 1


Do you think John Lynch will be elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame?

2007-03-29 18:09:52 · 15 answers · asked by Sparky 1

I thinks its the 49ers, because they have established a run game, and Alex Smith is gradually progessing to his full potential, and living up to expectations and there new defensive and offensive acquisitions. I think they can be a playoff contender this year. I think they will at least get a 10-6 record.

2007-03-29 17:59:28 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Every free agent move would be nice

2007-03-29 15:21:50 · 7 answers · asked by mtm7393_ld 1

I was at a party. This guy asked me if I wanted to dance with him & I did.After this we would have just gone back to our friends but no. I said im going to get a drink,when I was going to say nice meeting you bye he said I will come with you.I said sure, bc I didnt want to be rude. After I got a drink I thought he would go but no. I said I need some air thinking he would want to stay inside. No he said he would come outside with me. I still did not want to say no go away. We eneded up talking for over an hour & he kissed me. He was a nice guy & we exchanged numbers but after we talked on the phone I realized I didnt like him. He was nice in a friend way nothing more. I was trying to get away from him in the first place.It has been about 2 months. He txts and calls and says he wants to see me sometime. Either I say I cannot talk or I am busy . I feel bad but Im still scared to tell him i don't like him but we should be just friends. I can't drag this on any longer. What should I say?

2007-03-29 15:15:17 · 15 answers · asked by Lindsey G 5

He wasn't even in the top five of NFL Rookies in total ruching yards, with Joseph Addai of the Colts the #1 rookie in rushing yards, as Addai was the only rookie to surpass 1,000 rushing yards, even after splitting rushing duties with Rhodes. Jones-Drew, Maroney, Bell, Norwood, and Washington, all rookies, also had more rushing yards.

On the other hand, Jones-Drew had 16 touchdowns, while Bush has 9.

Also, Bush's longest single Pro run was 18 yards. Exactly ten other rookies had longer single runs then that, with Norwood on top with a 78 yard run.

The only thing Bush has going for him is that he has more receptions then any other rookie, with 18 more then Colston, who had the second most amount of receptions. Despite having all these receptions though, he's #3 in rookie recieving yards. He placed behind Colston and Holmes, who had 39 less receptions then Bush.

So, my question, why do so many people think that Reggie Bush is so good? They're many rookies better then him.

2007-03-29 15:10:59 · 19 answers · asked by pooglius 2

How were the additions of Dre' Bly, Daniel Graham, Travis Henry, Brandon Stokely, and Dan Wilkinson ? Who will the Broncos draft? How will they do in the 2007 season?

2007-03-29 14:34:27 · 8 answers · asked by Joseph J 2