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Religion & Spirituality - 9 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Okay, and I don't mean to be disrespectful. But Mormons believe that there are lots of gods, right? And that our Father God has His own father and grandfather (and presumably brothers and sisters). That's correct, no? (If I am incorrect, please correct me). And then Jesus is His Son, right? Did I understand correctly that lucifer is also God the Father's Son? that Jesus and lucifer were/are brothers? Again, correct me if I am wrong.

What place does this leave for the Holy Spirit? Who is He in all this? So again: Questions: Father God also has parents and grandparents? Jesus and lucifer brothers? Who is the Holy Spirit and what His place in all this in your theology?


2007-10-09 13:57:22 · 8 answers · asked by KL 6

WHY we can only have 200 contacts??

Thank you for your ideas! :)

Have a wonderful night/day! :)

2007-10-09 13:55:53 · 15 answers · asked by Moon :) 7

I was always told growing up that the Bible preaches against interracial marriages, specifically against marriages or relations between black and white. I have never seen a verse that talks about this though. I was also told that the first black man on earth was "turned black" as a punishment.

If this is true, what are these verses and books?

2007-10-09 13:55:32 · 15 answers · asked by Pink Cowgirl 4

To familiarize yourself with DOMA (if you are not already), check out this link:
I am just curious. I would appreciate that you support your answer with specific text, or quotes, etc. Thanks for the answers.

2007-10-09 13:53:24 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

how does being kosher be a part of that religion.Thanks

2007-10-09 13:52:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Then why is the Earth an infinitesimally small dot in comparison to the rest of the universe?

2007-10-09 13:51:18 · 9 answers · asked by robert 6

Do they have an empty void that only God can fill?

2007-10-09 13:50:52 · 17 answers · asked by Naturescent 4

I am a Christian, I am part of an evangelical church. On my mother's side of the family there are a lot of Witnesses. My family is close and whenever I ask a question pertaining to the origins of WTBS doctrine, it usually winds up heated and with me being sorry I brought it up. I wind up getting mags and books whenever we go to one of their houses. I have been to your meetings on special visitor sermons. I have read many pieces of the Watchtower literature. My great aunt passed away and I grabbed at least a hundred books, some from the beginning of the 20th century. Some of the statements I found are "crazy", I have seen comments made about this on websites by ones who "used to be" JW, but I want to hear from a person who attends the kingdom hall, not someone who just attacks. I know the term "new light" - but how can a group be God's direct channel, but not be inspired, and totally change your belief from 1 to 2 to 3 and back to 1.
(No insults or offense meant)

2007-10-09 13:49:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

as much as i like to interact peacefully with others, i find it hard everytime i view questions being asked out of pure ignorance.

2007-10-09 13:48:08 · 16 answers · asked by Princess 3


Or do you just act like it?

2007-10-09 13:46:33 · 16 answers · asked by (♫ its the voice that kills ♫) 1

Science explains much about reality, yet it does not account for why the universe exists. Many scientists take the position "the universe just is", but that avoids the question "what has caused the universe to exist?" If science does not address the question, then it falls to philosophy to do so. Religious people have answers which they state with certitude based as much on faith as on science. The scientist who cannot explain what has caused the universe to exist must, by logic, acknowledge that the existence of the universe is a great mystery. And to admit that mystery is to allow the possibility that the universe depends for its existence upon a Creator. What do you think?

2007-10-09 13:44:50 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

proof of nonpersonality?

( The Watchtower Society teaches that unclean spirits are personal beings. However, they teach that the Holy Spirit of God is "an active force" ?)

2007-10-09 13:43:57 · 4 answers · asked by Nina, BaC 7

If so, then please explain this verse:
"To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some."
-1 Corinthians 9:22

Why doesn't it say..."so that God might save some"?

Is Paul God?


Please explain.

2007-10-09 13:41:23 · 37 answers · asked by yachadhoo 6

2007-10-09 13:39:47 · 15 answers · asked by clarix 3

I have read science journals where they have documented near death experiences as being the opioid receptors (opioid effect). I am afraid nothing is there beyond the grave. I am too afraid to not believe in God, but wise enough to explore. I am confused and scared.

2007-10-09 13:39:04 · 53 answers · asked by Anonymous

their particular character, such as unclean spirit or wicked spirit?

2007-10-09 13:38:55 · 6 answers · asked by Nina, BaC 7

Two of the most popular q's in one.

; )

2007-10-09 13:38:18 · 11 answers · asked by [[Princess For The Day]] 2

The last couple of days, a question got posted about the Pentagram, and the best answer chosen included words to the effect of "and the other meanings should be kept hidden until one passes initiation because they are dangerous". This has got me to thinking.

Whether you "believe" in the reality of magic or not, there are certainly dangers there in a real and psychological sense in that you can start to play round with something like a ouija board and frighten yourself silly, perhaps doing yourself long term psychological harm. Most anything we invest our belief strongly into affects our psyche deeply, and is, at every level "dangerous"

Which begs the question of secrecy. Not a great believer in secrecy, not because information is safe, but because in my experience secrecy is usually used as a tool to hook people further into something, and to bestow authority into those who may have no great wisdom, just on the virtue they got in early. Like a pyramid marketing scheme. Thoughts?

2007-10-09 13:37:12 · 9 answers · asked by Twilight 6

Ok so I dug up a little orange river rock, in my yard. I've never dug up another like it there!

I went to a psychic bookstore and a lady told me that the stone had 'powers' if I charged it up correctly. This involved 'washing' it in sea salt, placing it under a north-oriented pyramid, and then "charging" it with positive energy.

The way you charge these things is to place them in the sun, and focus on someone or something with absolute singleness of purpose, and hold them until they grow hot.

Long story short I believed I trapped someone's energy in it when I had him touch it so I could keep a part of him when he moved away. This was quite a few years ago.

But is this kind of thing real?

2007-10-09 13:36:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

it would have a name just as the father and the Son.

What do you think about this?

2007-10-09 13:36:03 · 8 answers · asked by Nina, BaC 7

It really is difficult to remain unbiased when it comes to discussing Americans. They arrogate to themselves the right to act as this planet's policeman, to condemn other countries for real or perceived breaches of human rights and to rail against forms of government which in American eyes are less democratic than theirs. As Americans are such good Christians, surely they know the passage in the Bible that says: "O thou hypocrite, before thou wouldst remove the splinter from thy brother's eye, attend to the beam in thine own eye!" Never has a passage from the Bible been more apt. So naturally do Americans become defensive when their own shortcomings are pointed out to them, because to face the truth would be unbearable.
Which other self-proclaimed peace-loving country has waged so many wars against smaller defenceless countries, has allowed the members of their military to commit atrocity after atrocity going back to WW2, the Korean War, Vietnam, and now Iraq?
In what other country do you need to be a millionaire or at least be able to raise millions in order to be elected to parliament or chief executive?
Where else on this globe has the education system broken down and/or deteriorated to such an extent that children no are no longer able to read and write or do simple arithmetic and need to take remedial classes upon entering college?
In which other country with the exception of certain Middle Eastern nations does a small fundamentalist religious minority have the power to manipulate both government and the media to enforce a Victorian concept of morality upon an unwilling population?
I could go on and on, but let this suffice.
No wonder Americans are sensitive when it comes to discussing their shortcomings

2007-10-09 13:35:17 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

why is it that members of a church cannot accept that another one of their precious members was actually downright nasty??
I just spoke with a pastor of a church ive recently started attending and the pastor advised me to speak with a woman who works for the church as a health care advocate
i know (wow,i was surprised to a church that has health care advocates) exactly..i was thrilled wow i though what a wonderfull church ive found,i left feeling relieved that i would get some long needed help
i called this woman the next day.not only was she of no help at all whatsoever nor did she even make an attempt(she was very standoffish from the get go)but she actually
made me feel worse when she heard of my situation,by telling me that my doctor has no idea what hes talking about..(hes a very well respected excellent surgeon,who knows more than she could ever hope to
back to my point..i would expetc this kind of cruelty ,when i called back to tell,they treated me like it was impossibl

2007-10-09 13:35:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-09 13:34:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard that Pope Benedict XVI is going to make a statute that all modern music will be abolished from the church and the mass will revert back to Latin. Express your opinion on this in a logical way. No: "I am an athiest/other faith, so I don't believe in God, so I really don't care." or you'll be reported.

It does not mean that just Christian Rock will be abolished, but all music other than Psalms and Gregorian Chants will be thrown away.

2007-10-09 13:33:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

you during your life? Hw has God helped you win the attack? please explain in details. have you ever had demons attack you?

2007-10-09 13:32:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mark 3:29,30 portrays the Holy Spirit in a clear contrast with an unclean spirit. Jesus was accused by some hostile Jewish leaders of having an unclean spirit. He responded by saying that He had the Holy Spirit.

Just as unclean spirit is a personal being ( The Watchtower Society teaches that unclean spirits are personal beings ), so too is the contrasting spirit -the Holy Spirit - a personal being.

What do you think about this?

2007-10-09 13:32:29 · 3 answers · asked by Nina, BaC 7

Whoever we are
Wherever were from
We shoulda noticed by now
Our behavior is dumb
And if our chances
Expect to improve
Its gonna take a lot more
Than tryin to remove
The other race
Or the other whatever
From the face
Of the planet altogether

They call it the earth
Which is a dumb kinda name
But they named it right
cause we behave the same...
We are dumb all over
Dumb all over,
Yes we are
Dumb all over,
Near n far
Dumb all over,
Black n white
People, we is not wrapped tight

Nurds on the left
Nurds on the right
Religous fanatics
On the air every night
Sayin the bible
Tells the story
Makes the details
Sound real gory
bout what to do
If the geeks over there
Dont believe in the book
We got over here

You cant run a race
Without no feet
n pretty soon
There wont be no street
For dummies to jog on
Or doggies to dog on
Religous fanatics
Can make it be all gone
(I mean it wont blow up
n disappear
Itll just look ugly
For a thousand years...)

2007-10-09 13:31:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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