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Religion & Spirituality - 12 August 2007

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What did he eat?

Id love that waistline he had while sleeping on the big wooden T

2007-08-12 16:26:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is this an old tradition or was it added at some specific time in the past. Other branchs of Christanity do not perform communion during a marriage ceremony, so why do Catholics?

2007-08-12 16:24:03 · 5 answers · asked by yawiki.org 1

could our sins not be forgiven without Jesus dying a dreadful death???? If the Lord the father could create a whole universe, He couldn't decide on our sins the easy way??? why did He have to make His Beloved Son go through all that He went through???

2007-08-12 16:23:59 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was wondering how your religion justifies covering up child molestation. I was raised a JW for 18 yrs, I was even baptized. When I was between the ages of 4-6 I was molested by a friends brother who was 16 and also a JW. When I told my parents they went to the elders and told them what happened. The elders told my parents it would be handled within the congregation, although nothing happened to the guy that molested me. No disfellowshipping, nothing. Just wondering what the JW's on here think about my experience. Any justification for what those elders did?? How can men who are supposed to be the leaders let something like that happen to a child.

2007-08-12 16:22:50 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

can you tell me about the american prairie dog? Do they roam in packs?
In which part of america do they mostly live?
Are the numbers declining?
can they be domesticated and kept as pets?


2007-08-12 16:19:13 · 17 answers · asked by senita 1

... translations, interpretations and denominations.

I'm not judging. I'd like to understand how Christians resolve this. In particular, how do you know that you are living your life by the Word of God if your beliefs mismatch with others who believe the same and use the "same Book"?

2007-08-12 16:16:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

RS has been pretty sucky the last couple of weeks. What gives?

2007-08-12 16:12:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I understand that there are a lot of people out there who think that the Bible is the true, literal word of God. I see where the word of God bit is coming from, but I don't understand why it has to be literally true. It seems that in the New Testament, Jesus tells a lot of stories to get his point across, but that no one thinks that there had to be a real good Samaritan or a mustard seed. Why, then, must there have been a six day Creation or a catastrophic flood? Why couldn't those also be stories that are more important for their lessons than their veracity? I don't mean to offend at all; I would just like to understand your point of view. Why do you personally believe that it has to be true?

2007-08-12 16:12:27 · 21 answers · asked by random6x7 6

I am a Christian, but my sister and my father are not, and my mother is but is very lax. Almost all of my friends are either athiest or some other religion, as well as certain relatives who I am close to. Assuming I do end up in Heaven (which no one knows for sure except God!) I have a feeling I'll be kind of lonely without my family and friends. So how do I save them without them turning away from me?

2007-08-12 16:08:43 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

So last night I had a very disturbing dream. Demons attcked me in human form and I went to call on God and the devil showed up and then God and God told me to fight them..in the dream I fought them and then I fought the devil and then God and the devil went to attack each other and I woke up.
I am a proud christian but I realized some things...lately I have been scared of God. Sometimes I try to realize he is right there but I feel like I dont believe that. See I get hurt when people dis God but it is like when I am not in church I dont believe like things will come on my head he idnt real yet I pray everynight and I LOVE christian songs. I get so confused. I be;ieve in doing right and going to church my life would be nothing withouht church. I am only 15 so maybe when I am older my beliefs will be stronger? HELP!

2007-08-12 16:06:12 · 32 answers · asked by Kiana 3

Maybe you could share stories of some of your struggles to choose heterosexuality over homosexuality?
Do you have to choose it daily...like a constant struggle to not be gay, or is it something that only happens every once in a while?

2007-08-12 16:05:18 · 7 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6

Ok in reality if you are part of the occult you are looked down on and those who arent part of it are looked high on. Now Jk rowlings did something fantastic she switched the roles. People who think this should be banned is this the reason you wanted it banned is because you dont think everyone should be treated equal do to religion.

2007-08-12 16:01:11 · 13 answers · asked by Mika-Anne 1

.......or should I keep it public "forever ever, forever ever?" (Outcast - Mr. Jackson)

2007-08-12 16:01:00 · 12 answers · asked by Love Yahoo!!! wannabe a princess 4

I know all of you Christians take pride in your faith.

In that case, I assume that whatever criticism forced upon
you should not be a problem.

All the skeptism and rage in the atheist's questions should only make your faith stronger each time you can answer them.

If you are so confident in your faith, no matter how many absurd or logical questions should not rattle you.

But why then, do I see so many Christians getting angry and upset?

Why report one of my accounts (Max H) for asking many interesting and critical questions? I did not rave and swear on you Christians. Infact I had very subtle content.

Perhaps you Christians can't take criticism and don't have enough faith to withstand the questions hurled at you.

I don't think that having only Christians preaching to each other with no criticism for atheists would be all that amusing.

I think you need some criticism to work your brain cells a bit.

Don't be so hateful and angry, because I never was.

2007-08-12 16:00:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does knowledge make medical technology possible? What about your job? Does it require knowledge?

2007-08-12 15:58:30 · 6 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6

I know some of you got exes in texas, but I guess that hell is a little further south.

2007-08-12 15:58:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Loving even animals and trees too?

2007-08-12 15:57:29 · 18 answers · asked by superlativemoon 3

Obviesly, if u dont believe what the bible says your gonna say that earth was created millions of year ego also but, im asking the logic behind this from those who do believe in the bible.

2007-08-12 15:53:55 · 10 answers · asked by Tasoula 1

I see some people on here who seem to imply that an explanation that ultimately derives from Faith is superior to one that ultimately derives from Reason.

If there are two explanations for something - say just as an example, the existence of morality - one explanation is based on reason (social factors owing to living in community, etc), and the other is based on dogma (that it was revealed by God), WHY should I accept the dogmatic explanation over the one based on reason?

2007-08-12 15:52:10 · 10 answers · asked by dreamed1 4

2007-08-12 15:50:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-12 15:47:44 · 2 answers · asked by LeeLee 2

Considering what is written in the Bible regarding the earth being destroyed for a second time.

2007-08-12 15:45:12 · 23 answers · asked by Everand 5

Seems like a religion to me. They claim to know how we came into existence yet they have yet to give us solid proof that we actually evolved from something else.

Even worse, they are discovering now that man did not evolve from monkeys at all.

So all that stuff we learned in school about apes becoming human is just a bunch of monkey sh it.

Well, what is wrong with Christianity in schools?

If evolutionist don't believe in God then what are they worried about?

Teaching kids bible principals is a much better way to get them ready for the real world and how to treat there fellow man then some teacher preaching on a soap box that we are all primates that evolved and we have no purpose except survival of the fittest

2007-08-12 15:44:17 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't imagine they would last very long.

2007-08-12 15:43:30 · 10 answers · asked by The Dog Abides 2

If it is because the bibe, well thats just a book, and if it is because the universe is to complex then wouldnt god him self be to complex not to have a creator.

2007-08-12 15:43:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

are any Christians on here non-denominational if so what do you believe??

2007-08-12 15:41:04 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." (Mark 10:25)

2007-08-12 15:39:58 · 29 answers · asked by yahyouknow 2

I am a bisexual high school student and am puzzled by this. Take for example notable "Christians" such as, say, Jerry Falwell. Falwell had openly opposed homosexuality, calling famous LGBT people "immoral". Also, Rev. Falwell lead the Moral Majority, a group that opposed everything I believe in. How can you call yourself a Christain when you call others immoral?
Not to offend anyone here, but I planned a party to celebrate his death.

I am active in many of my church's activities, however It is becoming more and more clear that my kind is unwelcome in the Christian scene. I even overheard some of my congregation discussing this topic: the phrase "there is no such thing as a gay Christain" came from one of the members I used to respect deeply.

I was recently Confirmed in my church but I wonder if I did the right thing. How can I be a Christain when my fellow church members refuse to accept me? Doesnt the Bible say to love your neighbor?

2007-08-12 15:39:00 · 53 answers · asked by Anonymous

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