It would be better to teach Christianity (and perhaps
be wrong), than to not teach Christianity and be right.
We are created beings, created by a Creator (God of
the Holy Bible) who wrote His Book with His instructions
for His Creation. No one can begin to prove "evolution".
But, if some want to believe they came from a monkey,
that's okay with me. I, for one, did not.
2007-08-12 15:56:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I would be honored to answer your questions, but they are based on so many untrue assumptions that I'm afraid there would not be much point. You assume evolution is a religion... false. You assume there is no evidence for it... false. You assume we have discovered that we did not evolve from monkeys... false. You assume that all "evolutionists don't believe in God"... false. Do you actually want honest answers to your questions? I am happy to give them, but you must first abandon your delusions to have any hope of assimilating and using those answers. Look at the answers above. Do you see how almost every one of them is saying the THE SAME THING? Are you seeing a pattern? You could learn and grow from this experience, and instead it seems like you are more intent on being beligerent with people.
Please look up the definition of science in a dictionary and do some basic reading about what the theory of evolution says before you post any other questions on this topic. I suggest this not as an enemy, but as a friend.
2007-08-12 17:20:44
answer #2
answered by mnrlboy 5
Evolution is a theory that is based off other provable facts. Whether it's right or wrong, it is a generally accepted scientific theory and thus something our children should be aware of. If you would rather believe that God created Adam and took out a rib to create Eve and they are the ancestors of the entirety of humanity, well golly gee, you're right, that makes so much more sense! Christianity should stay out of schools because like it or not, it's a religion based off a book that can not in fact be a hundred percent true. Unless you teach every religion, but you wouldn't would you. From these questions I'm going to assume you're a close minded Christian supremest. And what does evolution have to do with how to treat your fellow man? Better yet, what does the bible? I don't know about you but I'm taught my kids morals, not biblical principals and they turned out just fine.
2007-08-12 16:09:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Maybe nothing has to change except that evolution should be taught merely for what it is, a transformation process that all living creatures go through and not a method of creation.... and I'm not saying we all evolved from primates. Humans are who they are just like a monkey is a monkey.
It doesn't matter how "fit" you are, what matters is your ability to pro-create, so survival of the fittest does not apply.
As far a teaching Bible principles goes, they already are being taught. Just with a different label..... "social skills". But fret not, Bible principles can be taught in the home.... so all is good, right?
2007-08-12 16:05:32
answer #4
answered by ? 2
You are obviously uneducated on the topic of evolution -- because nearly everything you claim about it is false.
In addition, many evolutionists believe in god. In fact, most Christians believe in evolution -- it is just a small group of Christian extremists that have a problem with it. More than half the Christians in the world are Catholic -- and the last Pope claimed that Evolution is more than mere theory.
As for men evolving from monkeys -- that is not the claim. The claim is that monkeys and men evolved from a common ancestor.
Next time you want to refute science -- take the time to learn it first.
Next time you want to make claims about what Christian believe -- take the time to learn the truth first.
2007-08-12 15:59:26
answer #5
answered by Ranto 7
No. It's hardly a religion.
Darwin never said man came from monkeys. That comes from close-minded Christians not wanting to accept the fact of science.
Darwin said that man came from man. It would do you some good to read Darwin's The Origin of the Species.
The US is a religiously diverse nation. To teach Christianity in schools would be forcing religion on people who do not believe it. They do that in some Communist countries though, although not necessarily with Christianity.
Teaching a kid "Bible Priniciples" in no way prepares them for the real world. In the real world, nobody cares about how much Bible or Bible principles (or any other religious rules or holy book) a person knows. It simply is just irrelevant because the world doesn't operate on a religious system of any kind.
2007-08-12 15:53:18
answer #6
answered by Bookworm 6
Well you probably got quite a lashing from the atheists by now.
I would simply like to offer that BOTH evolution AND inteligent design is taught in a PHILOSOPHY class where equal representation can be made. Then we let the KIDS decide. The evolutionists should think that their evolving human brains will start rejecting religion in favor atheistic philosophy. Christians will have faith that anybody who has the faith to resist the messages of the world will do so.
The current system of, NO GOD, ALL EVOLUTION isnt going to fly. Our public systems ought not be theological seminaries nor atheistic training camps. Its too bad science cant be taught without philosophical indoctrination.
2007-08-12 16:08:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You are arguing two very different issues. Lets just take one; religion in schools.
Why can't we just teach kids how to treat other people, live and work as a responsible person in this world without the anchor of the christian faith. What about students of non-christian religions; would they have separate classes? We already know that separate is not equal. Do not assume all people are christians. I am very happy for you that you are happy in your faith and that you want to share it, however people have come and will continue to come to the U.S. for religous freedom and that includes the freedom from of having to learn about your religion and religious ideas. Religious docterine does not belong in public schools. However, examining the effect religions have had on world events does. Incidently, believing in evolution and god are not incompatible; it only appears that way to those that have not studied both.
2007-08-12 16:06:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
"they are discovering now that man did not evolve from monkeys at all"
Never stated. The fact that it is still claimed shows that ignorance, not evolution, is a religion.
If you want to remain ignorant, go to a Christian school. Since you have so much hatred and dishonesty, it is clear that the Bible didn't work for you. Get off your soap box and stop living a lie.
2007-08-12 15:59:17
answer #9
answered by novangelis 7
Evolution isn't about creation. It's not a religion. I will be nice and not comment on your lack of education on the subject. It never was said that man came from monkeys. We have hominid ancestors. Look up human in the encyclopedia. You will see that we are animals, we are mammals, we are also primates. How do you explain those facts? most Christians do...seem not to realize that Christianity is not the only faith in this country. Keep your bible **** in church. We don't need your holy soapbox, either. School is for facts, religion can't be proven, so keep it where it belongs. My taxes don't pay for Sunday School in public school.
2007-08-12 15:53:58
answer #10
answered by AuroraDawn 7
1. You cannot teach any sort of biology without evolution.
2. The THEORY of gravity is only a theory.
3. To deny evolution would thereby deny rights to all forms of science, including physics, because much of calculus and mathematics is based on POSTULATES..(OMGOMGOMG NOT COMPLETELY PROVEN YET OMGOMGOMGOMG)
4. They never claimed we evolved from monkeys, but from chimps and gorillas, so your one result you got on google is probably inaccurate.
Ok, your saying that by not teaching god in school, we therefore are teaching atheism right? Wrong. Lets say i am having a nice conversation with a friend about cheese squares. If i dont mention god at least once in that conversation, does that mean im preaching atheism?
Get over the fact that its survival of the fittest. It was what we were first designed to do by natural selection, but look how much we have acheived.
2007-08-12 15:52:26
answer #11
answered by eevilcheese 4