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Religion & Spirituality - 5 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-05 04:51:24 · 9 answers · asked by Calchas 3

I don't, I'm an atheist, and the idea of an omnipotent being strikes me as absurd. But hey, I'm an open-minded guy, so feel free to share with me your views and ideas, and where they differ from the usual religious thinkings, if indeed they do.

2007-07-05 04:49:18 · 33 answers · asked by Joker 3

Finally make it up there? Do we have the option to just leave? Where else would we go? Don't say hell either. Don't say "why wouldn't we like heaven?" Is there an in-between where we can go?

2007-07-05 04:47:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-05 04:44:56 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Christian, however, I have sensed for many years now, that for many Christians the Bible itself had become an "idol."
Believing the LITERAL words of the Bible over very strong scientific evidence. I believe that if it can be scientifically proven, it must have come from God. Yet, most Christians I talk to cannot grasp this.

Scholars have found many mis-translations and errors in the Bible over the years. Why are so many Christians putting more faith in a human crafted book than they are in the God that the book is about?

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
"Thou shalt not worship false idols." ...including the Bible itself.

Now, I know many of you other Christians are going to really argue with me, but you also need to take a good long look at yourself and examine whether you have been "worshiping" a book.

2007-07-05 04:44:30 · 17 answers · asked by Aaron H 3

Let me preface by saying that you do not need to be defensive, I am not trying to disprove your beliefs (as I myself am an athiest), I am simply curious about other's opinions on the subject. Let me also say that, christians need not preach here. You are not going to change how I believe.

If you believe that both animals and humans have souls, you don't need to answer.

Do you believe in souls? If not, how do you explain what makes a form made up of muscle, bones, and skin become alive (move, think, breathe, etc)?

If you do believe that we have souls, do you believe that animals have souls as well? If not, how do you explain their existance? Do you believe they have a different type of soul, or do you believe they function completely differently?

Details please.

2007-07-05 04:42:52 · 38 answers · asked by trippystemny 4

..there is a *cause* for everything?

- apple falls - cause:gravity
- you and me - cause:conception
- rivers - cause:rain falls at source
- painting - cause: artist
- car - cause:someone assembled it

...and so on.

So what caused the universe to come into being?

Forget the label for the moment - 'God', 'Intelligent Being', 'Creator', 'Higher Power', 'Nature', etc - but there must be a *first cause*, isn't it?

So what caused the universe to come into being?

Answering that 'the Big Bang', 'nobody knows', 'doesn't matter to know', 'give me proof of a God' - isn't an answer, please.

The question is - Atheists, so what caused the universe to come into being?

2007-07-05 04:42:48 · 23 answers · asked by autumnleaves 3

I used to work with a Jahova's Witness and he informed me that he wasn't allowed to vote, because of religious reasons. He also said that he couldn't serve in the Military, nor say the Pledge of Allegience. Where I respect everyone's right to freedom of worship, I have a hard time understanding this certain religious practice. What happened during the draft in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam? Did they get free reject slip simply because they were Jahova's Witnesses? Please help and I need serious answers, if you know the real reason. And please remember, I am not asking this because of any prejudicial reasons, I really want to know the truth as to why they aren't allowed by their strict religious beliefs to partake in any of these Very Patriotic Practices. Thanks.

2007-07-05 04:42:15 · 10 answers · asked by dougie 2

The flying spaghetti monster created us all, bow down and worship fools!

2007-07-05 04:38:23 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Honestly, you never point out the fact that amputees heal, they just don't regrow their limbs--they aren't running around with blood gushing from a severed forearm, the flesh heals--healing and restoring are two different things--and yet whenever the question gets asked you idiotically respond with "they aren't praying hard enough, sin free will" or any of the other insipid platitudes you all have rote-memorized and rattle off without pausing to THINK

2007-07-05 04:37:46 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Believers, have you had a situation where Jesus came through for you?

I have been trapped in sin over the last 18 months with a temptress from Korea. A lot of women don't understand the vice like grip they have on a man's libido and heart!

Obviously this hasn't been the best scenario, and has put a tremendous and unfair strain on myself and my marriage. My wife didn't understand that I accepted Jesus Christ into my life five years ago and everything I do in life is basically as a portal for Jesus. So if I was having an affair, it was sanctioned.

Of course it was tough on me! I hate sinning, and felt the burden everyday of carrying two relationships on at once. However, it was out of my control and I had to do what God naturally wanted me to do, which was to have children and give the word of our Lord to the masses.

This weekend, my girlfriends got notice that her work Visa will expire and she is going back to Korea unless I help her file an extension. I've told her I will, but secretely I am not going to. It's time for her to leave, and Jesus has delivered me from this situation!

2007-07-05 04:37:08 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I studied the Bible in Latin (not the only time I studied it, but this was in the context of a Roman history course) I was told that certain books were Pauline epistles and the author of them who called himself *I* was PAUL.

Twice today I've seen Christians (well, alleged Christians) call the I in the epistles (letters) JESUS.

Was changing the name of, say, Romans, from Paul's Epistle (letter) to the Romans to Romans responsible for this confusion of authorship?

2007-07-05 04:36:40 · 3 answers · asked by LabGrrl 7

Evolutionists say we (Monkeys and Humans) came from the same ancestor. Shouldn't their be ATLEAST other civilizations, like monkeys knowing how to speak, build homes, Have some form of clothing, a government of their own....(seems like they don't have brains at all)
There are millions of bacterias, If we came from bateria, why is there only one type of human.
My theory is:...Charles Darwin was an idiot

2007-07-05 04:31:58 · 44 answers · asked by MrPlankton 2

A poster said I shouldn't spend valuable time playing catch with the R&S Fundies, and I'm wondering if he, or she, isn't right on the mark? Gosh, I'm such a 'forgiving' chap with most of the human folk I come upon. Maybe I should join up with fellow atheists here who carry on amongst the Fundy babblers and their verbal assaults with merely a shrug or a sigh. I admit that there are more important questions to ask and answers to give. Doubters, skeptics, agnostics, and atheists only: your advice, please.

2007-07-05 04:31:58 · 10 answers · asked by Yank 5

sorry yahoo spell checker ruined my question...

2007-07-05 04:30:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've heard people say "I don't believe in evolution because I don't like the idea that we came from apes."

But really, people came from hominids in a fairly well documented like of hominids like homo habilis, homo erectus, and austrolopithicus afarensis (sp?). What do opponents to evolution think of anthropology?

2007-07-05 04:30:27 · 6 answers · asked by naturalplastics 4

Hello, I hope that you are all doing well today. This is not a question to try to convert. I understand your views well. What I want to know is, *if* there is no God, then what about miracles? What do you think when things happen that are pretty much unexplainable? Also, when people give testimonies about God working in their life and what God has done for them, what do you think about that? *If* there is no God, then how could so many people, a lot of those people very smart, college educated people, have testimonies of God doing things in their lives? God has worked in my life. So what is your opinion about it?

And please do not be rude. This is a serious inquiry meaning to get others opinions, not to antagonize.

2007-07-05 04:30:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do! It doesn't matter if it's a Mormon or a Jehova's witness or even your average local church goer. I can't seem to stop laughing when they say things to me, I don't want to be mean but I can't help it. What can I do to not laugh at them so much.

2007-07-05 04:28:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-05 04:26:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Revelation 19:6b in the NWT reads: "They said: “Praise Jah, YOU people, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king." (The KJV translates this as: "Alleluia: for the Lord [kurios] God [theos] omnipotent reigneth.")

As you can see, the Greek text ACTUALLY reads "kurios" instead of "Jehovah" at this passage.

Question 1: why did the translators of the NWT insert Jehovah at Rev. 19:6b?

Question 2: why is Jehovah the "correct" translation for "kurios" at Rev. 19:6, yet the NWT also translates "kurios" as "Lord" at John 20:25? It's the same word!

2007-07-05 04:23:18 · 15 answers · asked by Suzanne: YPA 7

And if god heals cancers (maybe it's easier than spontaneously regenerating a limb), and so many people in this country are christian, is cancer the #2 cause of death in this country? Honest answers please.

2007-07-05 04:18:35 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-05 04:16:40 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's a really silly game of semantics.

Yes, I believe in myself, my wife, my kids,......etc.

I don't believe in anything supernatural.

Isn't it just a silly, little circular argument to say "atheists still believe in something because believing in nothing is still believing"?

Come on guys............grow up!

Atheism IS an absence of belief.


2007-07-05 04:15:54 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Dawkings once said [i dont remember where], that the theory of evolution made life safer for atheists. He said that it was possible before Darwins theory for an atheist to have reasonable basis for his beliefs [yeah, right]. But that after the theory of evolution atheists could really have an "ideological fullfilment" [again, yeah right].

A]Atheists, please forgive if im twisting What Dawkings said, ah i couldnt find the quotation, still i'm pretty sure i got most of it right [correct me if i got it wrong ok].

Do you agree with the statement? How do you feel towards the theory of evolution and how it afects your beliefs?

B]How would you feel if it was proven beyond doubt that there is no evolution, how would your beliefs be altered? I know its not a reasonable possible thing to happen, still try this mental exercise: You wake up one day and scientist have just proven beyond doubt more than 1000 confirmed examples of irredutible complexity or something.

2007-07-05 04:14:03 · 38 answers · asked by Emiliano M. 6

Would you befriend a passing Agnostic spirit and take your chances?

2007-07-05 04:11:51 · 5 answers · asked by Camperdown T 4

The other day someone took something out of context and I got really upset. Thing is, it wasn't the Bible they were misquoting...it was a Harry Potter book. Yes, I'm one of those people, I dress the part and try to push the books on others. Although I'm hardly a religious fundamentalist, I came to the realization that I probably qualify as a "Harry Potter fundie."

Is there anything, religious or not, of which you'd be considered a fundie?

2007-07-05 04:10:18 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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