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Other - Society & Culture - 2 October 2007

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I do. i think its kinda weird if you don't

2007-10-02 12:37:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why should people like one another? as long as you don't harm then why should you like them?

If a child's asks why should I like a person that is mean? or my parents hate each other and are getting a divorce, what basis do you use why people should like and embrace one another?

Don't you risk creating more Hitler's ,Presidents like the one in Iran, Venezuela, Cuba? many people outside the USA hate Americans and not because we are christians, jews muslims, atheists people find all types of ways of hating one another, ususally comes from jealousy, anger, hurt,human emotions.

The opposite of Love is Hate, how do you eliminate hate without GOD? if HATE is a natural human feeling to have?

2007-10-02 12:37:31 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-02 12:32:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

...how would these ones be?:

-United states

2007-10-02 12:27:44 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-02 12:04:26 · 14 answers · asked by talkland72 4

And when I mean satanic, I mean sold their souls for money, profit, and intellectualism.

To clafiry further: the most important things to these people and people in general is intellectualism, money, self-interest, ego, and basically the self, and any time of morality, right/wrong, and even human compassion is not-relevant.

I have a hunch that's the name of the game in this world, and many people in general seem to be like this.

So, therefore, describing this as Satanic may be far fetched, but it's the only term I can come up with. I don't think godly or wonderful or inspiring came to mind, so I just chose satanic. te hee.

Every industry's main goal is profit, and we have people studying the human mind to know what we want, so they can market to us, the medical industry is corrupt as well, basically it all is right down to the core, down to the average joe trying to get by paycheck to paycheck being greedy, and to even lower, people trying to steal, lie cheat, etc.

2007-10-02 11:58:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-02 11:44:11 · 1 answers · asked by narutofan14 1

2007-10-02 11:33:58 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'll probably be one in the future. Or at least half republican.

2007-10-02 10:59:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

when I was a teen the world seemed slightly more moral than it it feels today and this is only 20-25 years ago I'm thinking about.

So to the younger people here, do you feel that our culture teaches you morality, values and self-respect?

or to just do as you please?

2007-10-02 10:16:44 · 35 answers · asked by thunor 5

I have lots of junk that needs to go.

2007-10-02 08:57:05 · 6 answers · asked by ? 7

2007-10-02 08:45:39 · 41 answers · asked by blueendred 5

LOVE, HOPE and PEACE in Man's heart??

Man has not been able to do it, Money, Dope, Alcohol, Drugs, Science, Education, the Government....

Nothing has been able to give Hope, love and Peace to an individual person only GOD has.....

People are in a constant search to find Love, to find wealth to find
a way to stay young and healthy to find the latest drug to take for what ails them, to find out how to fit in society the list is endless

Why is it that the Masses cannot find the internal Peace they seek?

And lastly why is it when a person finally finds Jesus with a total sincere heart does he finally obtain the PEACE he so much desires?

2007-10-02 08:44:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Havent you seen what he can do already? Earth is a taste of hell in my eyes, or where I live is anyway. With all that's going on, don't you think you should turn to God? I have fear of no man, why fear something that can bleed and die the same way I can? People need to get right already. Sh!t gets realer than it seems. Once you stop relying on the world, you will see clearly and not ask for complicated evidence of what is. People look to worldly things for comfort and safety; drugs, sex, and t.v.
After that, it all goes right back down hill, faster than before. I think we can all agree that earth isn't a perfect place, but I hear some people still say they want to go to hell. Wow, do you think it's fun there? Ha, sure, Satan is our friend, right? Why do people object so hard to my religiouse ways instead of looking from both angles? God did say that we would be ashamed of him when we look to the world. O'h am I talking crazy,so it's just me and the world is perfect with no end to it?

2007-10-02 08:23:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I say a report that shows that managers are less likely even in this day and age to call someone for an interview with an ethnic name. They sometimes don't even look at the resume they just put it to the bottom of the pile. When I was in college I knew some of the international student, Asian, African etc who legally changed their name to more American names for just this reason. I think this just shows how far we still have to come in America before everyone is truly equal.

2007-10-02 08:22:16 · 11 answers · asked by Big Daddy R 7

It seems to me that Canada, Mexico, Columbia, Brazil etc. could have equals rights to the name American. After all they are all in the Americas. We call the people of the europe; europeans, the people of Asia; Asians, and the people of Africa: Africans. However; If you say Americans then you are refering to citizens of the United states or America. Anyone know why this is? Why are we not USAers?

2007-10-02 08:09:20 · 6 answers · asked by jon 2

Is it useful or a waste of time?

2007-10-02 07:56:20 · 4 answers · asked by socmum16 ♪ 5

Isn't it the scout oath? scout law?

2007-10-02 07:52:18 · 2 answers · asked by Chris/Jenn 2

To have the ashes scattered in a major river running through the city. Just wondering with pollution issues.

2007-10-02 07:49:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

whatever happened to being responsible for our own actions?

(not to say that there aren't victims out there, but, too many play that card)

2007-10-02 07:26:35 · 7 answers · asked by bilko_ca 5

free for all

2007-10-02 07:19:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Honest to god, I hate it when people get stupid tattoos that they will regret. The only tattoos anyone should get are the ones that define their life experiences, like their military service, alma mater, country of origin. I hate it when people tattoo their bodies with all kinds of bizarre religious icons, grim reapers and all that. It just looks like one big soupy mess after a while.

I wish tattoos were regulated to save stupid people from themselves.

2007-10-02 07:02:51 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

How amny of you come on here, ask questions or make answers. And recieve such childish answers that you get frustrated post another question and then have people calling YOU the child.

Has anyone else had that happen to them?

Who else feels like you are getting no adult feedback?
Likes its all coming from a 16 year old. (nothing agiesnt 16 year olds, lol)

I actually asked if there were any adults left and people said "I am 49, thats a adult". Nope. Doesn't matter what your age is. If you come on here and are small minded and just want to say rude things, I dont care if you are 56, you are acting 15.

Thats the point. And just watch, for stating what is happening with me, I will get "adults" saying what a "child" I am.

Anyone else sick of people like that?
You know that you cant do anything about it, but its still frustrating?

You actually wish you could stick your arm through a computer screen and b*tch slap them, lol???

2007-10-02 06:59:21 · 13 answers · asked by Megan 3

Don't get into politics!, this is a general question, have you traveled to any country in the middle east??

~have a wonderful day~ : )

2007-10-02 06:53:56 · 14 answers · asked by RoChEr 5

I don't know about this...

2007-10-02 06:23:40 · 11 answers · asked by Laughing all the way 5

2007-10-02 05:49:40 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've lived in 5 apartments in my life. Of all those apartments, all of the managers' attitudes have ranged from mildly rude to down right sneaky and mean! Why is this? They have also all been white women, varying in ages. The current apartment I am in has probably the worst/meanest management of all the apartments I have lived in--and that's pretty bad.

Seriously, has anyone else noticed this? They are some of the unhappiest people in the world.

2007-10-02 05:32:52 · 9 answers · asked by CaliDude 1

2007-10-02 05:28:29 · 4 answers · asked by revdev 3


2007-10-02 05:27:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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