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Other - Society & Culture - 4 July 2007

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in general, why do people tend to always criticize so much?
the look of someone, the voice of an artist, etc.....
(nothing to do with politics here, it's just random criticizing i'm talking about)

2007-07-04 23:40:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I work with people from other countries, why do they need to wash their hands, face, feet and inside their mouths at certain times of the day?

2007-07-04 23:39:40 · 19 answers · asked by silverbadger01 1

London is missing a round yellow thingy that usually floats around in the sky....

Answers to the name of "Sun".

If you see him, tell him it's F*****G JULY!!!!


2007-07-04 23:33:17 · 8 answers · asked by rollacoasta 3

I am SO hungover today... I had three large glasses of wine and no dinner. That's a lot, but not that much, but today I feel like someone has poured mushy peas into my ear so they dribbled into my brain, put a cappuchino frother in there to mix it all up, and then made me sit up all night watching repeats of Trisha with matchsticks in my eyes so I couldn't close them.

I hate my friend, how dare she force me to drink wine, and make me stumble home? Cow.

Why do we do it to ourselves people? WHY???? For the love of God!!???

Happy Thursday :-)

2007-07-04 23:25:43 · 17 answers · asked by rollacoasta 3

Just what exactly has Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton and Nicole Ritchie done to make them newsworthy?? Paris & Nicole are both drug addicted nobodies with famous relatives, not rock stars or scientists. I could take a walk out into the western suburbs any time I like if I wanted to see drug addicts, so why must we be bombarded with these idiots everytime we pick up a newspaper or switch on the television?

2007-07-04 20:18:37 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-04 18:28:50 · 8 answers · asked by waive 1

the prices the DRs the life span who i ask come back in a while to cheak

2007-07-04 18:19:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a bleak outlook on our world today and i just don't like people overall...especially today's young adults who think of nothing but themselves...in general.

2007-07-04 18:12:37 · 8 answers · asked by Manster54 2

He's 26 and has been smoking since he was 14. Thing is both his parents smoke; his stepfather smokes; and all his friends smoke.

He never did it to be cool, but because he enjoys it.

He quit cold turkey for a year, then started back up again.

2007-07-04 18:10:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

This might cause **** ....but black people wonder why they get followed around in stores...I work as a manager in a retail clothing and accessories store and out of everyone who I knew stole from my store (A LOT!), only one person was white. And I've never experienced shoplifting from any other race. I'm wondering if this is the same in all other parts of the country.

2007-07-04 18:07:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

At my university (it's Ivy League) the outgoing ones are LESS attractive than the quiet ones.

A lot of the physically attractive guys are quiet, introverted, and shy.

What's up with that?

2007-07-04 18:02:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are the characteristics of a 100% politically correct city?

2007-07-04 17:59:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-04 17:38:23 · 13 answers · asked by rita d 1

I Justs Dont Get IT! This World Were Living In Today!!
Either Your Too Skinny! Or Your Too Fat! Why Cant People
Treat You Good No Matter What!! If Ur White Black Brown
American, Indian, Asian,Mexican,Chinese,Japanese, No Matter What U Are!! Are Were We Come From Or What We Look Like I Think We Should Be Treated Good No Matter What!! I Think We Should Respect Other! And Treat Other's The Way We Want To Be Treated!! Make The World A Better Place Too Live In For Everyone! Work Toughter As A World..Than We Can Be Proud Of Than Work A Part!! That's No Way To Live For Anyone!! Bless You All Good Luck!!

2007-07-04 17:36:23 · 8 answers · asked by Mississippi Girl 7

2007-07-04 17:36:09 · 23 answers · asked by Mika-Anne 1

2007-07-04 17:31:49 · 2 answers · asked by Mika-Anne 1

I don't get it. I'm sure everyone has asked themselves this question.

Why do people not know how to spell when asking a questions here?

I get it in just about all other facets of life. But here? Your asking for intelligent people to help you... and yet. You can't understand them because they refuse to use the letter "A" in any word they use. I mean the spellcheck button is right there! It's easy to use too!!

Some of it could be lack of intelligence, but for most it seems it's just that they like to spell wrong. Why? What would posses you to try and look as stupid as possible to a large demographic? Your screenname is attached to this. For some of these people it's their lives, they have links to their blog (full of misspellings), Myspace, and other websites. So it's like your opening up your entire life to people you don't know so they can laugh at you (I know I have heh)!

Why would anyone do this? I understand you may never meet most of these people. But what if you did?

2007-07-04 16:59:43 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

a shy person or a loud person?
why is this so?

2007-07-04 16:58:26 · 7 answers · asked by aurora 3

He has publicly admitted to an affair of over 18 months. Of course, we know that ALOT of people have affairs; but, what does this do to the prospect of another latino winning office?

2007-07-04 16:01:59 · 1 answers · asked by 100% ♥Creole♥ 7

2007-07-04 15:16:56 · 24 answers · asked by DetailSpaz 3

I mean logical thought it out. I really have no one I would hurt by killing myself. Everyone that ever cared about me is dead. I didn't ask to be on this earth and believe in no kind of god. Everyday I get up go to a job where I'm helled at for even doing what I'm told. Then I come home and eat a substandard meal. I don't have the ability to drive anywhere because two kids smashed up my car. I have no girlfriend because when you get as fed up with everything as I am women hate you. It would just be easier to be dead. If I was dead there would be no more waking up and going to a job I hate only to come home to sit alone until I have to get up and go back to the job I hate. So why not just kill myself?

2007-07-04 15:10:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm just wondering, because here I am 10:00 in the morning drinking a glass of Beck's beer

2007-07-04 15:04:52 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-04 15:03:58 · 2 answers · asked by steven25t 7

2007-07-04 15:02:56 · 10 answers · asked by Kennedy 2

It's hard to believe it's 2007 and we continue to hate and kill each other. Will we as humans ever evolve enough to put an end to all wars ? Where does all this hatred come from ?

2007-07-04 15:02:04 · 5 answers · asked by ? 4

just for fun. i'm bored on the 4th of july because i had to work.
feel free to rate 1-10 1 being the ugliest person you've ever seen.


2007-07-04 14:46:29 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can't stand people that believe something is great because of it's brand, especially when it's crappy. Starbucks coffee sucks. I bet it would lose big time in a blind taste test. I don't know how many times I've had to explain to Apple dorks that the Ipod was not the first MP3 player (and that yes indeed, others exist). Now people are shelling out hundreds for the Iphone (plus $60/mo for AT&T service). More like Igotrippedoff!

2007-07-04 14:43:20 · 8 answers · asked by Jdude 2

or there is another reason. and why?

2007-07-04 14:35:50 · 2 answers · asked by steven25t 7

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