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Other - Society & Culture - 3 July 2007

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Both travelling at, say, 25 mph?

Clearly the Mini would hurt less and do less damage, but getting hit by the ambulance, whilst a lot weightier, would mean paramedics were immediately on the scene...

2007-07-03 23:54:36 · 9 answers · asked by zeppelin_roses 4

Hi, can anyone tell me where the expression, *Hair of the Dog* came from? I know it relates to having a very small short sharp shock of alcohol the next morning when suffering a hang-over to help ease the discomfort,.. but how did the expression come to be?

2007-07-03 23:17:51 · 2 answers · asked by wildimagination2003 4

I've noticed that when (especially young) people insult eachother, they begin to insult the other person's mother. But why? That's stupid, since the other person probably doesn't even know their mother, and she has nothing to do with their little dispute. Why don't they insult their father, instead?

2007-07-03 21:34:33 · 16 answers · asked by YOWza 1

I've lived in Southern California for 20 years. I'll be moving to Abbeville, LA in a couple of months - not particularly because I want to, but to stay close to family who's also moving there. I've heard some things about the state that have me a bit worried, like racism and the hurricanes. I'd like some information from some people who know the area to let me know what exactly I'm getting myself into.

2007-07-03 21:22:20 · 5 answers · asked by night.monkey 2

People are appauled if they allow a few seconds of nudity on TV (not even something sexual), but they allow all sorts of violence. They rate movies that would otherwise be G rated as R just because of a little nudity. But a PG-13 movie they can say f*ck and show all sorts of violence.

The way i see it, its just someones body. Its just really stupid. Everyone has a bady and nudity DOES NOT equal sexuality. Parents think that if a child sees nudity they will want to have sex, but do not seem to think that them hearing tons of swearing will not make them want to swear. I'd rather have a child see nudity, a natural thing, than see someone shooting someone and calling a woman a ***** on TV.

Who agrees with me?

2007-07-03 20:57:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is worth giving up five points! Some one keeps bleeping out my answers about alcohol, and I heard today that 3 out of 5 people have a problem with drinking! It has ruined so many families, does anyone else think it should be banned like smoking? Come on and tell the truth! What do you think?

2007-07-03 20:26:44 · 19 answers · asked by jaded 4

Does any one ever think a euthanasia clinic will ever happen in the near future I promote euthanasia and I am looking for someone to actually help me proform it I have been searching on the internet for a few days now and I havet reall found anything does anyone got any new information or advise to help me in my search for freedom.

2007-07-03 20:05:32 · 3 answers · asked by Brian H 2

2007-07-03 19:09:25 · 9 answers · asked by Fearfully & wonderfully made 4

For those of you who work in retail would you get annoyed if a customer came into your store to buy 1 or 2 items every day?

2007-07-03 18:47:47 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does money make someone more attractive? Just on the physical sense I mean. They could be the ugliest person in the world, but if that person asked you out and gave you gifts (expensive in nature) and drove a nice "luxury" car or modeled car, would you ask them out?

...or go with the cute but gravely poor man.

Both are nice people.

2007-07-03 17:51:14 · 6 answers · asked by the BABY 4

2007-07-03 17:25:47 · 1 answers · asked by JAMES M 2

whats wrong with you people? I mean seriously, you make me laugh!

2007-07-03 17:18:15 · 10 answers · asked by I Hate Devilution 1

Is there anyone on this website that are younger then 18?

2007-07-03 17:01:53 · 20 answers · asked by frecklemooey 1

I duno why but i feel scared cauze they say the world is going to be sucked into a black hole
and were going to die painfully!

if u do think this going to happen explain why
and if u think its not true,explain why

help me settle my paranoidness(sp)

2007-07-03 17:00:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-03 16:58:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who was you tripping with when you did them mushrooms?
Who the **** threw up all over your car?
And then felt worse then you about the **** in the morning? (Friends ya'll)

2007-07-03 16:57:50 · 2 answers · asked by drunken pumpkin 6

Not really, there is nothing I want to do more then rid the streets of all the sick freaks who do do that! My question is, do you think people even read the details of a question before answering, or do they just jump to conclusions about what the question is really about? WHAT THE PROBLEM IS?

2007-07-03 16:54:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Although not completely accepted, gay marriage is much more widely accepted in America than polygamy. A few states have made gay marriage legal, but as far as i know polygamy is still completely outlawed.

i am not gay, nor would i want to be part of a polygamous marriage. i just think that if you're going to accept one, you should accept the other, especially in a country like America.

A common argument i hear for gay rights is "they'd do it anyways." well, the same thing is true for polygamy. men will cheat on their wives (it's legal). and polygamy is not unheard of in Utah, even when the state only recognizes the first wife.

america has many christians who favor a moral society. the bible condemns homosexuality, but does it condemn polygamy? if you read the bible, you'll see that it was accepted. several prophets (moses, abraham...) had many wives. king soloman is reported to have had hundreds.

my theory is that it's a subconscious reaction to population increase. do you think so (why or why not)?

2007-07-03 16:47:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Everyone says you can't take them off.

2007-07-03 16:41:28 · 13 answers · asked by jonsey94 2

I am sixteen, and I have noticed that some users blantly disregard another user's question pending on the subject, by making a satirizing comment about the person's age. I find this highly vulgar and a sign of arrogance that some people believe that maturity is based on your age, which I undoubtedly disagree with.

2007-07-03 16:09:13 · 11 answers · asked by R.S. 2

I and my friend are starting a movement. This movement is to fight for this world and the people in it. We are both working together but we both have a different way of doing it. I want to focus on the American government and bring it back to a place that is full of morality, service to the people, and protection of the world. My friend plans to unite the organizations that truly want to help people and make one organization that helps people

2007-07-03 16:02:08 · 6 answers · asked by milthistagent 3

So there's 6 billion people in this world....Do you believe that there is only ONE person for you? If so, how are you supposed to find that ONE out of 6 BILLION?

Or is it possible to be completely happy with more than just one person (still one at a time, but you know what i meant)??

2007-07-03 15:52:31 · 4 answers · asked by Sizzle® 3

I am an American-Pakistani myself, I can tell the difference but can most of you. I dont blame you if you cant since i cant tell the difference between asians. But i am just curious. Personally I think we are better in the looks departmetn (just kidding) but then again I maybe wrong

2007-07-03 15:44:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a 24 year old light-skinned black woman, who is intelligent,very secure with myself, and a generally good and decent person. I have always wondered why it is always other races that seem to flock to me, but the majority ( not all ) of black women, 9 especially here in Missouri) are so rude, jealous, and just generally don't like me BEFORE they hear me speak 2 words. Some people tell me it's because I'm pretty, and I'm light-skinned, but that doesn't make sense, because their are so many pretty black women out there. I am always one to compliment a black woman when she looks nice, but I bet you'll hardly ever hear a young black woman compliment me. They just look me up and down like " who she think she is". Why are we so insecure, and jealous as black women, instead of loving and accepting each other? Why are so many of us hating on Halle, and Beyonce..is it because they're pretty and talented?? I'd appreciate different perspectives on this issue. Can't we just love each other?

2007-07-03 15:16:00 · 18 answers · asked by ? 1

First of all, I'm ELCA Lutheran, so yes, female pastors are allowed. I'm not asking your opinion on female pastors.

Moving on, how to I tell my parents about this calling? Other people I am close to know, and are supportive. I have a friend or two who has laughed at me and told me I'm wasting my life, but that's beside the point. I can deal with them. But how do I tell my parents? It seems like they expect me to go into business or law or something like that... But that's not where I see myself. Any advice, please?

2007-07-03 15:04:33 · 11 answers · asked by Kiara 5

2007-07-03 14:52:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-03 14:30:00 · 7 answers · asked by baby boo 1

I just don't understand what goes though people's heads even if there are stalkers out there in the REAL WORLD?

2007-07-03 13:49:15 · 9 answers · asked by ? 1

If I walked out in front of several cars as they were turning in different directions on the feeder road of the freeway? How many cars would hit each other if I did this during rush hour? I know the ones that tried to stop and ended up hitting me would end up getting hit by the cars behind them, but how many? I have had a rotten week, and want to make a difference in people's lives so they will remember me. I also had a rude customer yesterday who reported me to my boss who got onto me (he got mad because I made him wait to order something (I had 2 customers in front of him, although they weren't standing there at the time, they were brousing the store while I sent some faxes for them and did some other job for another) I want to make an impact in his life too, thought maybe I would have his name and phone number in my pocket to make the situation a little more interesting. I need some more ideas, can anyone help? Serious only please. Thanks

2007-07-03 13:45:34 · 5 answers · asked by reallyfedup 5

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