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If I walked out in front of several cars as they were turning in different directions on the feeder road of the freeway? How many cars would hit each other if I did this during rush hour? I know the ones that tried to stop and ended up hitting me would end up getting hit by the cars behind them, but how many? I have had a rotten week, and want to make a difference in people's lives so they will remember me. I also had a rude customer yesterday who reported me to my boss who got onto me (he got mad because I made him wait to order something (I had 2 customers in front of him, although they weren't standing there at the time, they were brousing the store while I sent some faxes for them and did some other job for another) I want to make an impact in his life too, thought maybe I would have his name and phone number in my pocket to make the situation a little more interesting. I need some more ideas, can anyone help? Serious only please. Thanks

2007-07-03 13:45:34 · 5 answers · asked by reallyfedup 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers

Robert's right. Do you think the jerk who complained about you would give a s**t if anything happened to you? Not likely, and why ruin the life of someone on the road who has not done you any harm at all? Not fair, and what does it get you? Nothing. I know it's frustrating for you not to be able to get revenge, but it's something that happens to most of us and we just have to live with it. So let off steam and get on with your life, and don't give jerks like that any control over your life.

BTW: Happy Fourth of July!

2007-07-04 00:59:08 · answer #1 · answered by AnOrdinaryGuy 5 · 0 0

Who is your role model for "making a difference in people's lives so they will remember me"? Hitler made a difference, but do you want to be like him?

You had a rotten week, but it's just one week out of your life. Make a difference by doing something positive -- perhaps by getting a job doing something really relevant to you. Find a good role model, and make the world a better place. Good luck.

2007-07-03 21:26:37 · answer #2 · answered by Winnie 3 · 0 0

That wouldn't help you (you may end up paralyzed or something).It would make many people you probably never meet have a bad day.
Read these verses in the bible:
Romans 1,3,6,10
Acts 2:21
1 John 3
John 3:15-21

Pray(ask for forgiveness and for Jesus to come into your life.

I pray you go to a good bible believing church and seek Jesus.God is in control (let Him show you).

2007-07-04 01:11:51 · answer #3 · answered by robert p 7 · 0 0

You are a complete loser. Your life sucks and you should pull a Chris Benoit (just suicide, no murder). If you have the priviliege of being born into an affluentual family, you could've afforded to go to college and stayed away from the service sector retail jobs. I would rather die then have to work with people. Put me in a back room with computers anyday (Network Administration).

2007-07-03 20:51:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


2007-07-03 20:50:48 · answer #5 · answered by bollywoodturtle 4 · 0 0

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