once we get peace inside, we critisize less and praize more... or so i believe!
thanx... love u all
2007-07-04 23:51:16
answer #1
answered by basharho 6
People crtitize i think because it helps people decide on the sort of person they'de like to be.If they criticize someone for being loud, they may decide to be rather quiet and steer clear of taking that path in their lives.And vice versa, if they criticize someone for their quietness they avoid the pitfalls of that particular trait.It depends on the individual really,some people may for the above reason,others may be petty or jealous or smallminded or tremendously insecure!It depends on the persons character and some criticism is entirely justified.I know i would criticise a rapist or paedophile!
2007-07-05 00:59:41
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Um, I don't really know. I do it a lot, especially on clothes people wear. But always in a humourous way. Me & my friend take pictures of randoms dressed ridiculously and text them to each other. Byatches aren't we? ha ha.
I guess if you look into it, it's perhaps because it makes you feel better to put someone down? I don't know, that's pretty horrible when you think about it.
I just enjoy taking the pee, I find it funny. I hope that doesn't make me horrible... I can take it too.... In fact I'm always criticizing myself for the laughs...
Sorry, this answer doesn't make any sense does it? I'm very hungover... :-) xx
2007-07-05 00:03:13
answer #3
answered by rollacoasta 3
It is because most of us live from ego. Ego is an illusion, but it perpetuates itself by constantly trying to make itself greater than others. This kind of casual criticism it simply a symtom of this.
2007-07-04 23:47:23
answer #4
answered by joju 3
I guess they dont wanna accept everything at face value.But i guess it shouldnt be an unfair criticism based on generalisations or a bias.Other than that, i think criticism is healthy.
2007-07-04 23:44:54
answer #5
answered by chryshal 4
People who put others down do it to feel up. They have low self esteem and it feels good to criticize others. When you get mad, like I always say, it's YOUR issue so be aware of this when something bugs you n you'll find that it's something u don't like in yourself.
2007-07-04 23:46:49
answer #6
answered by tink 3
It's human nature to judge people.
2007-07-04 23:59:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It is the easiest job in the world to be critical.
It is harder to be the change we want to see in this world.
2007-07-04 23:45:21
answer #8
answered by Nina, BaC 7
Because people can't stand to see others doing better than them, so they must put it down somehow.
2007-07-04 23:43:37
answer #9
answered by Acai 5
Spiritually speaking, Satan is the one who deceives the peoples wordwide to make bad remarks, gossips, brings them to biases, prejudices, anger, wars, terrorism, etc. Satan is the author of all our sins and the great deceiver of men and the invisible participant of all human affairs.THANKS GOD; FEAR; PRAISE GOD; GLORIFY GOD; HONOR GOD; LOVE GOD AND WORSHIP GOD. Pls visit my website-THEGOODNEWSOFTHEKINGDOM@yahoogroups.com
2007-07-04 23:47:46
answer #10
answered by Prophet John of the Omega 5