During my gradutation, I ran into a few of the members of the organization I ALMOST joined. I messed aroung with the guy who happens to ahve a sister in the sorority I almost joined and his best friend was also trying to be a member as well, and she was sort of my friend. It was wierd because none of them spoke or not even a congratulations. And I know before that had always spoke. I mean one evern ignored me.What was wierd though was the fact that as I was walking to the line to have my name called.I noticed that one of the sorority members husband was staring at me the entire time, and I don not even know him, it was the weirdest thing...I know have alot to be happy about.i have my degree, and family and everything, but I am sort of curious as to how come noone speaks to anymore is it because I din't continue the process, or the fact that I messed around with this guy that they knew, I mean I really don't know?All I know is I feel bad.
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38 minutes ago
And the thing is..is that I know I was wrong about one thing, that one thing was the fact that after me and the guy had sex a few times, he started to act funny and not call me like he used to and stuff, and he even told me that he just wanted to be friends because i was too whiny, I got mad and played on his phone a little bit, and he called me stalkerish because of it, but he invited me to his house where he had just moved too, and we slept together again, and so he threatned to tell the sorority member my business if i contacted him again, but then when I seen him not oo long ago, he was trying to talk to me again.So I text messaged him this morning, and congratulated him on graduating, and he was like thinks, and he asked me what I was sorry for, because i told him that i was sorry for all the drama I cause and stuff, and that was it, he didn't say anything after that
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55 seconds ago
it was funny because when me and my family went out to eat after the graduation and I ran into one of them, and she actually gave me a hug, and asked me what my plans was , and I told her that I aplogize for not going through with joining and everything and I told her I never meant to disresepct the organization, so i just thought that was wierd
3 answers
asked by
Drea B