01 ; If you loved me , would you tell me ?
02 ; if you lust me , would you tell me ?
03 ; if you felt froggy , would you jump me ?
04 ; if i let you , would you make a move on me ?
05 ; if i said yes , where would you touch me ?
06 ; if i said , i just want to be friend's , would it hurt you ?
07 ; have you taken the time to , read all of my 360 profile page and blog's ?
08 ; which is more important to you __(A) looks and superficial apperances or __(B) the real person inside that you can not see ?
09 ; are you a ; __(C) little girl , __(D) young woman, __(E) over 21, __(F) over 30, __(G) over 35, __(H) over 40, __(I) over 45, __(J) not born a female .......?
10 ; will you still respect me the morning after ?
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