This is a cut a paste from another YA user discussing AA:
You have a point, but what about the people who cant be hired because they don't fit into the "ethnic hire" category? Don't to think this is discrimination as well?
For example: under affirmative action, there must be a certain percentage of "ethnic" interviews and hires in order to satisfy EOE guidelines. If a person is hired just to fill the "ethnic hire" quota, and the person out in the hall applying for the position who may be better qualified, is turned away because he isn't considered "ethnic", the company loses a great opportunity to make that hire, but cant because they are forced to meet a quota.
You mentioned in your question, first part: "employers DON'T always hire people for merits" Well, you are exactly right because affirmative action forces them to make a quota hire, not always the best hire.
(more to follow)
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