Are you willing to take the biggest gamble of your life. This applies to Everyone. Each of us has a conscience which means with knowledge. We all have a knowledge of God and of Right and Wrong. The Bible tells us that when we die we will be judged by God on the standard of His moral laws. Examine yourself. Have you lied, stolen, used God's name in vain. If you stand guilty before God on judgment day, you will end up in Hell. The good news is that God has provided a way to be forgiven and go to be with Him in Heaven. Jesus Christ came to earth to die on a cross and rise again to pay the debt for your sins. In order to be forgiven you must Repent, which means to apologize to God for all of your sins, turn away from your sins, and put your complete Trust in Jesus Christ. Only then will you be forgiven and accepted into Heaven, not because your a good person, but because your a bad person who's been Forgiven. Please think about this, you never know when you could die, and then its too late
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