-DIO as DI .n u(O cut in 3=.n u, ie on you)
-DIEU as DI [iL U(E cut in 4 is [iL, pronounced seal)
-DIOS as DI .n u \S \(a times new romana font S cut in 3 is \S\)
-DEUS as DI=U s\\(a times new roman font S cut in 3 is s\\, pronounced seel)
-SHANGDI as S\\ HAN CuT DI (s in times new roman font cut in 3 is S\\(pronounced seel, and a times new roman font G cut in 3 is CuT
so if a CuT DI is IIII I then God is the same person described by the WORD for GOD in those 5 languages and the countries that speak those languages.
-GOTT as CuT nuT liT (when G=CuT as in times nwe roman font and O=n u when cut in two, and liT=T when cut in 4)
-BOG the polish word for GOD contains the words CuTODD (when read btwn the lines)
-bor (with a small ~ at the top of thw b, reads btwn the lines as ~ DI(sealed together) .n u rill, where the ~ could be a symbol for the arm ie ~.
-Allah as All ah (where ah-lari(not to scale) mixed uo and sealed together)
-OM as .n u IVI ie IV I = IIII I , OM being the hindi name for God(ie a description of God is the word for God)
-GOD as CuTOD (when a times new roman font G=CuT)
so those 5 also can be seen as a description for the LORD GOD assumming He is called lari tod(pronounced like larry todd...)
so a name pronounced lari tod(given names) that is IIII I (sealed together) described as IVI(sealed together) or the scars look like a DI(sealed together) is the God who became the Word. meaning the word was whatever word you used to describe God like the nations words for God listed below:
so in a way i must be the God who although the word existed before God, became the WORD.
now tell me are those 10 languages wrong and God didn't become the word, with the word being the word they used to describe God?
9 answers
asked by
Lord of all Earth